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Tord widened his eyes. He hasn't experienced fear in a long time. He looked at Paul with widened eyes. Tom held Tord's hand as he takes his gun back out.

“We have to get to the base, now.” Paul says but falls quiet. He heard footsteps approaching. He takes out his gun and looks around for a moment.

Tom was about to say something but Tord silenced his love. He mouthed to Tom.

“Go, go.” He mouthed, no sound came out. All three men quietly started walking. Paul turns on his flashlight and sighs in relief when he noticed it was Pat. Paul runs over to his husband and hugs him close.

“We have to get there now!” Patryck cried out as all four men started running back.

Once they reach Tords base however. Paul and Patryck continued to run. Going into the fight against orange.

Soldiers were fighting left and right. There were less orange soldiers than there were of Red, so that relieved Tord.

Tom takes out his gun and loads it. “Did not suspect Orange to swing by..” Tord mumbled as he takes out his desert eagle.

The two dashed into the battle feild. Tom knew he shouldn't have ran. But he knew he needed too. He cried out in pain but shot Orange Army soldiers anyway. He kept himself hidden undercover, so he isn't found or caught.

Tord ran over to where Tom was and squatted down. “Okay listen to me, you're gonna stay here, stay quiet. Shoot as many orange soldiers as possible. I will handle Orange Leader.”

“But Love!”

“No! no buts! Our lives are at risk right now!” Tord screamed out as he ran off. Leaving his love.

Tom was terrified but did as he was told. He was thankfully near Paul and Patryck. So that relieved his nerves a bit.

Tord ran. He suddenly got stopped by a orange army soldier. The man grinned as he charged at the younger, skinner soldier.

He used his robotic hand and punched the soldier straight into his face. Due to the impact of the metal, it broke the man's nose.

The man screamed but Tord silenced him by a desert eagle gunshot to his chest.

His corpse fell to the floor. Tord laughed manically as blood splattered on his face.

Tom watched. Red army was winning. Maybe Tord knew that one day she was going to return back?

His laughter was silenced however when he was suddenly kicked. Tord stumbled back. There he saw her.

Tord widened his eyes. The fear was starting to get to him. His hands start to shake as he raised his desert eagle. Holding it with both hands.

Everybody in the war got silenced. Orange soldiers retreated back into their vehicles so the leaders can fight.

Tom watched in shock. He wanted to get up. He wanted do something. But Paul held Tom back from doing so.

“Hello, Red Leader.” A female voice was heard. Tord felt himself step back slightly as the tall woman stepped forward. Her long hair bounced slightly as she made each step with her. She was an older woman, about in her mid 50s.

“Get the fuck away from me.” Tord spat. “I will shoot you!”

“Awh, I am so scared!~ You think I give two fucks? You're just like your father. Always jumping into things at the wrong time.”

“Says the cunt that randomly attacked my base!”

Orange Leader laughed insanely. Her head tilting to the side. Her blue eyes sparked with rage.
“YOUR BASE?! My god! You're still that little boy aren't you?!” She laughed again and charged at Tord.

Tord gasped as he felt her grab his robotic wrist. He squirmed slightly and dropped his gun. He kicked her into the stomach.

But she didn't budge. She broke Tords robotic arm with the odd amount of strength she has. Tord let out a scream, it was still connected to his nerves. He fell onto his knees. The robotic arm sparking. The blue light turned off.  Orange Leader kicked Tord into the face with her heeled boot.
“Poor mommy should of raised you better.

Hot tears rolled down Tords face. He clenched his teeth and glared up at the woman. He was laying on his back. Warm blood leaked down his face as he panted. He crawled over to grab his gun but Orange Leader stepped onto the Norwegians back.

“Look at you. You're so weak!~ Paul and Patryck should of trained you better. You aren't no leader. You're just a boy. A pathetic little boy.”

Tord let out a cry in pain. Tom couldn't just sit there and watch no longer. His digital eyes turning purple as he walked out. Paul and Patryck screamed for Tom to come back. But Tom refused.

He only walked. He didn't run. He just, walked. Orange Leader twisted her foot as she laughed manically.
“No one will ever love you, Tord Larsin.”

Tord sobbed as his head slumped into the battle feild dirt. Soldiers wanted to help but Paul and Pat shake their heads.
“Hey bitch!”Tom screamed out as he seethed in anger. He knew his monster will be showing soon.

Orange turned her head. She narrowed her eyes and moved her boot off of Tords back. Tord coughed blood as his vision blurred. He looked over at Tom weakly. Orange kicked Tord harshly into his face again before using her foot to shove him away.
“Who are you?!” She screamed out at Tom.

Tom grinned as his monster features appeared. He snarled as his claws grew. His tail swayed in anger as he showed his sharp teeth.

“Your worst nightmare.”

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