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Tom groaned. He really did feel like he was in misery. He was exhausted. Sore. He knew he has bruises on his face and stomach by now.

Tord parked his car when they reached the base. He turned his head. His gaze softened as he looked at Tom.

“We're here?..” Tom mumbled out. His vision was going in and out. He slowly sat up and whimpered when he felt a harsh pain from his stomach.

Tord nodded his head slowly. He got out the car and slammed the driver's door closed. Opening the backdoor, he yanked onto Tom's arm.

Ow! Fucker!”

“Do not cry.” Tord replied and takes Tom out of the car. Tom whimpered but held his tears in. A smirk danced onto the communist's face as he dragged the brit out. Slamming the car door. He tugged the brit into the large facility.

Tom kept his head lowered. His legs were stumbling as he walked. Tord held onto Tom tightly. His grip was so strong it could break the dark brunet's arm if he wanted too.

They took a sharp turn to the right. They walked up a large stairway. These stairs weren't wooden, not carpeted, but concrete.

“Where are you taking me?!” Tom shouted out in alarm. He frantically started to squirm. Yet he was harshly pinned against the wall but the shorter male.

“Enough with you!” Tord shouted as he smacked Tom's face. Tom winced from the pain.

Just explain to me..what the fuck do you want from me?” Tom cried out. But Tord didn't reply. He yanked Tom close and continued his walk.

The two reached to large doors. A guard opened one as the two went inside. It was a office. But it wasn't no tiny office, nono, this office was huge.

“Why are we here?..” Tom hesitantly asked. He was so confused.

“You're so oblivious aren't you?” Tord asked as he tugged Tom into the bedroom part of his office. He harshly pinned Tom to the bedroom door.

Tom tensed up but glared. His vision was fuzzy. His eyesight was dying out.

“I need you.” Tord replied to Tom's curiosity of questions.

“Need me? What the fuck do you need me for?!”

“Everything. I just, need you.The Norwegian spoke softly with his words as his grip loosened on the Brit.

Tom felt his 'eyes' swell up with tears. He let out a sob as he lowered his head again. His heart was aching with the misery and complications of emotions he felt at this very moment.

“Do not cry.” Tord whispered. He unpinned the Brit. Tom was about to escape but Tord wrapped his robotic hand around the Brits neck. A desert eagle harshly pressed against Tom's head.
“And, Do not resist.”

“You're fucking crazy!”

“So what if I am?”

Tom fell silent. Beads of sweat formed onto his forehead as he watched the gun anxiously. A sinister grin on Tords face. Their bodies were gently pressed together. Tord bit his lip as he slowly moved the gun away from the Brits head.

“Cooperate, or I won't hesitate on shooting Edward and Matthew.”

Tom felt his throat go stiff. His 'eyes' going shocked with their white color. He teared up again. He couldn't hold his emotions anymore. He felt terrified, confused, and heartbroken.

“Good.” Tord whispered as he moved his hand off the Brits fragile throat. Tom exhaled shakily as he remained standing in place.

Tord slowly stepped back. He clicked his tongue. Noticing Tom's voided eyes returning back to their original black.

Tom lowered his head. A calm expression on his face. Yet, internally the young 23 year old was loosing his shit. He was scared. How could Tord become so crazed?

Tord started to smile again. He went back over. He gently rubbed Tom's busted lip.
“You terrify me.” Tom whimpered against the touch. His cheeks however turned a little pink.

“I know. But, that's good. It's better to terrify someone, rather than tell them the truth on how you feel inside of your heart.” Tord spoke softly. His accent sounding very smoothly into the Brits ears.

“What?.. What are you talking about–?”

“You won't understand.”

“I want to understand!”

“Later on, you will.”

Tom sighed but nodded slowly. He knew he shouldn't trust the communist, but he didn't want to disobey him either.

“Great. Now, about Edd and Matt. You must be worried about them.”

“Yes! Where are they?!” Tom cried out.

“Hush. I said do not cry. Now, they are safe. In my dungeon. Nobody, no monster will hurt them. Yet.”

Tom gasped. “Don't even think about it!”

Tord wrapped his robotic hand around Tom's neck and squeezed it harshly. Tom let out a choke and whimpered. Tord narrowed his eye.
“Do not tell me what to do, min elsker.”

Tom whimpered as he nodded. He gasped for air as Tord removed his hand away.

Good. Go rest.” Tord says as he shoved Tom to the bed. “You need the sleep. I will have an appointment for your eye surgery tomorrow.”

Tom didn't respond. He only got into the bed. A glum look rested on his face as he watched Tord flip off the light switch.

"Goodnight, Min Kjærlighet.”

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