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The two looked at each other with love. But with this burning of hatred to each other. But this feeling of passion, passion and love. It was stronger. It was pushing this hatred away.

“Now Thomas, would you like to come with me to see the other two heros?” Tord asked. But narrowed his gaze. Tom went wide eyed and nodded.

“Oh please let me see Edd and Matt!” The taller pleaded. Tord sighed heavily and lightly shoved Tom backwards.

Tom stumbled a bit but caught himself. Tord nodded as he fixed his cape. “Right, if it can make that little heart of yours shine with happiness. Then I will allow you to see them.”

The two started to walk out of the office. Tom was hesitant. He was nervous. Were his friends alive? Safe and sound? Protected? He wasn't sure. His mind was racing and overthinking about the worst case scenarios.

The two approached Edd and Matt's cell inside of the dungeon. It was about 5:00AM. It has been a long night for the two of them. Edd and Matt were not asleep.

“TOM!” Edd and Matt cried out as they sat up. They frantically went over to the cell as close as possible. Their hands gripping the cell bars. So hard that their knuckles turned white.

However Tom didn't speak. He knew he shouldn't. He just wanted to see them. He wanted Tord to do the talking. He looked over at Tord and nodded.

Edd and Matt furrowed their eyebrows. They looked over and noticed Tord. They glared.
“You betrayed us! We we're friends!” they screamed out.

Tom kept a neutral expression. He knew deep inside that was meant to him as well. It felt like a harsh stab of a harpoon into his chest when he heard those familiar words. Tord however wasn't fazed. He grinned.
“No. We were not friends. Have never been. ”

“What?!” Edd screamed out. His vocal chords were strained. Matt stayed quiet. Crying silently.

“I twisted and turned. Along with Thomas here. He joined me into the darkness. Because you know why?”


“i stretched the ribbon..but you pulled me too hard. You snapped my sanity into bits. Now, I know you didn't mean too. But it's for the best. ”

Matt continued to cry as he held Edd close to him. Ringo meowed quietly and curled up into Edd's lap to comfort her owner.

Tom watched the two cry. He hated to see them cry. But for some reason. He felt much safer around Tord. It was oddly comforting. Yet he hated this man to his core. So, why would he feel safe around the man?

Edd glared up at Tord. “I hate you.”

“I know.” Tord replied. Tom felt himself tear up. He slowly glided his hand up and held onto Tords hand.

Edd softened his glare as his brown eyes looked down at their hands. “Tom?.. How could you? How could you be on side with this man? He's not our friend anymore. He's just a blood thirsty murderer!”

Tom felt suddenly angry. His grip tightened up onto the shorter leaders hand as he glared at Edd.

Edd noticed the anger expression on Tom's face and furrowed his eyebrows. Matt laid his head on top of Edd's head. Looking at Tom's angry expression.

Villain - TomTord Where stories live. Discover now