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Tom sniffled. He was afraid of Tord. But he felt his heart flutter. Feeling the norwegian's arms wrapped around his neck.
“Not the hero?”

“Not the hero. Not longer a hero.”

“What are you saying?!” Tom shouted out in a panic. His arms went down to Tords hips. He gripped them harshly from the anger and confusion he felt.

Tord whimpered when he felt the harsh touch. His face blushed a little red. His hands went up into Tom's hair. Tangling his fingers into it as he remained eyecontact with the brit.
“Since you are not working with Edd and Matt no longer, you are now working with me.

Then it hit him. A large weight dropped onto his heart as he realized. “I am the villain?”

“Now you are.” Tord purred onto Tom's lips. He bit his own lip as his eyes glanced down onto the spiked haired man's lips.

Tom blushed. He noticed how close he was to Tord. They were inches close. Their lips were about to touch. Quickly, Tom jerked his head back. But leaned it against Tords hands.

Tord grinned as he pets the back of Tom's hair. “You're caught in my web, Thomas. You will never be the hero again.”

“But I want to be!”

“No! Don't you see!? You will never the hero again!”

“Why not?!”

“Why not.” Tord repeated and clicked his tongue. He cocked his head to the left. His hands moved up to Tom's face. He cupped Tom's cheeks and carrassed the British man.

Tom whimpered. He wanted to shove Tord away. But his heart was telling him not too. The Brit squirmed against the touch for a moment before he felt Tords robotic hand firmly grip onto his chin. So he is now forced to make eye contact with the communist leader.

“Look at yourself. You were agreeing with me. You wanted to stay here. You wanted to work with me for my world domination. Now, you call yourself a hero?!” He screamed as he shoved Tom back. He pinned the taller against the bedroom wall. A harsh glare in his eyes.

Tom felt the wind be knocked out of him. He let out a sharp exhale. His mind felt fuzzy. “But..”

“Shut your mouth! You will not give your two sense to my story of truth!” Tord scolded as he wrapped his robotic hand around Tom's throat. Squeezing it again.

Tom gasped as he used his leg and kicked Tord harshly into the stomach. Tord stumbled back. Tom's neck was released. He let out shaky exhales as he went over to Tord. He shoved Tord onto the bed and pinned his wrists down. His body leaning above Tord. “I can give you the two sense I want.”

Tord felt himself blush. He couldn't help it. He knew this was a horrible time for this to happen. Tom smirked when he noticed the heat rising to Tords face.

“You call yourself a villain?” Tom says as he leaned in closer to Tords face. Tord squeaked and whimpered. He felt Tom's grip tighten even more on the Norwegians wrists.

“I do!” Tord cried out.

“And I call myself the hero.” Tom replied and moved his hands to Tords collar of his hoodie. He yanked Tord upwards so Tord was now on his knees. The norsk gasped from the sudden quick movements.

Tord did not speak. He only looked at Tom with complicated emotions. His face was unreadable.

“But that doesn't mean we have to be against each other. What if the hero wants to betray the friendships they truly had before?” Tom spat the question into Tords face. He then yanked Tord upwards. Tord was now halfway up. Still on his knees.

Tord whimpered. His heterochromia eyes expressed fear and confusion now.

“I am not a villain. I am not the hero. I am the antihero in this situation here.” Tom spoke threatening words as he yanked Tord off the bed. Roughly shoving Tord to the wall.

Tord gasped when he felt how hard his back pressed against the wall. Tom leaned his head down and nipped onto Tords earlobe. Red Leader blushed.

“That is my two sense, you fucking monster.” Tom growled into Tords ear.

A grin appeared onto Tords lips. Which made Tom confused. Tord tilted his head up and looked over at Tom. “A monster?”

“Yes. You're the fucking monster here.”

“Oh-hoh? Really?”

“Yes you fucking bitch!” Tom spat as slapped Tord across the face.

“I am not the monster. You are. And you know that.”

Tom froze. His digital eyes widening in shock. How did Tord know about the monster that was hidden within him?

“I know everything about you.” Tord whispered as he calmly wrapped his arms around Tom's neck. A red handprint was across Tords face.

“How..how do you know this?!” Tom screamed as he forced Tords hands off himself. He pinned them up above his head. He seethed in anger. Purple smoke started to descend from the goggles.

Tord only smiled. A soft warm grin on his face. A thunderstorm was heard. Harsh droplets of rain continues to pour outside as thunder rumbled.

“How do you know this!?” Tom repeated his question. He pressed his body against Tords so he can be extremely close to the norwegian.

Tord felt his face warm up with a hot blush. The smile was still plastered on his face.

“Answer me, you communist shit!”

“Oh it's simple.” Tord finally spoke. He leaned his body close. His head turning to the side as he whispered into Tom's ear.

"I created that monster.”

Villain - TomTord Where stories live. Discover now