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Tord felt himself relax. He wrapped his arms around Tom's neck. Tom smiled back as he picked up Tord.

He twirled the norwegian around the room for a moment before setting him back down at his feet. Genuine laughter can be echoing inside of the bedroom.

“You're so cute.” Tom complimented. He looked at the norsk with passion in his eyes. 

“Why thank you! You're being so charming aren't you?” Tord perked up. Tom chuckled softly and leaned in. He kissed Tords lips.

Tord returned the kiss. Tom's hands sneaked down and hugged the other males waist. Tord pulled away from the kiss and smiled softly up at the man. “Only charming for you, honey.” Tom replied.

“I'm so happy you stayed by my side..” He says as his robotic hand was placed onto Tom's chest. Tom furrowed his eyebrows for a second before a large smile grew onto his face.

“You know what? I agree. I'm glad I stayed here as well.” Tom replied as he kissed Tords dimple.

The norwegian giggled when he felt the kiss. “Do you want to go out for a walk? It's quite nice out there. Especially out in that forest.” Tord asks as his gaze went to the window. It wasn't rainy. It was just a calm, quiet, slightly windy night.

“Oh? I would love too.” Tom replied. “But, we should bring a weapon with us.”

“Smart observation. We should. We are still at a base site.” Tord nodded in agreement as he started to walk away. Tom followed.

He takes off Tom's hoodie and tosses it over to Tom. “Oh thanks, Love.”

“I don't want you getting cold.” Tord says as he pulls his navy blue overcoat on top of his red hoodie.

Tom felt his heart flutter. His stomach twisted with butterflies as he watched Tord zip up his boots.

“What are you looking at?” He asked Tom. Tom blinked his digital eyes. Getting out of his trance.

“Sorry, you're just so handsome I got lost staring at you..”

Tord felt himself blush when he heard Tom's response. He scratched the back of his head and chuckled. “Heh, being so cliché to me now, aye?”

“Hey! You are handsome! I'm not being cliché at all!” Tom snapped back with a pout. Tord only laughed. He went over and kissed Tom's cheek.

“Go get your shoes on. I will grab us some pistols.” He says and then walks off to his office.

Tom smiled as he watched Tord walk away. He went over and grabbed his worn out checkered vans. Slipping them onto his feet. He rolled up one of his pant legs for a moment and looked at the bandages.
“Hey honey?!” Tom shouts out as Tord heard.

The norwegian walked back into his bedroom. “Yes min elsker?” Tord asks as he tossed a pistol onto the bed next to Tom. He shoved his desert eagle into the hoister on his belt.

“C-can you check the bandages?” Tom asked. Tord nodded and went over. He knelt down and slowly started to unbandage Tom's wounded leg.

Tom winced in pain as the final bandage was removed. The injury wasn't as bad. Not infected thank goodness. Just a large bruise around the were the bullet previously was.

The Brit smiled slowly in relief. Tord carefully used his robotic finger tips and lightly touched the bruise.

“Ah, I see. Your leg is just badly bruised now. There is a bullet wound scar however. It will look like that. Other than that, your leg should heal soon.” Tord explained. “You don't have to use the bandages anymore, but walk slower. Try not to run with it.” He says with care. His gaze lifting up and looking at Tom with his red and silver eyes.

Tom nodded. He slowly stood up and picked up the black pistol that was placed onto the bed. He winced as he felt Tords arm wrap around him.

Tord helped Tom walk for a moment. “Ready to have a nice stroll in the forest? I think that will distract our minds from the recent occuring violent events.” Tord questioned as he tilted his head to look at Tom.

Tom nodded. “I would love too.”

The couple left the base. Tom listened to what Tord have said about walking slower. He still kept up with the shorter male.

The atmosphere was quiet. Only a small gust of wind blowing through the male's hair. Tord exhaled as a cold foggy air left his lips.

“It's always cold in my home country. That's why I love it here.”  Tord says as he adored the atmosphere around him.

Tom internally agreed. He did like how quiet and cold it was. How dark the sky was. How you could see the beautiful twinkling stars. A full moon bright and high into the night sky.

The moonlight reflected into Tords eyes. The two stopped for a moment and held each other's hands. Facing each other, an intense look in their eyes. Both of their hearts beating in sync. Their breathing was soft and gentle.

“You look so beautiful in this lighting.” Tom whispered. Tord felt his face warm up. A hot blush going across his face.

“You do as well.” Tord replied softly.

The two males leaned in so they can kiss. But they stopped when they saw a flashlight. Tom pulled away and turned his head to see who it was.

He noticed it was Paul. He was panting, out of breath. Tord turned his attention also and furrowed his eyebrows.

“Tord!” Paul shouted out as he ran over to the two. He lowered his flashlight.

“What, what now?!” Tord shouted out in reply. He was really upset that he didn't give Tom a kiss.

“Orange Leader is back.”

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