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Tord watched helplessly. His vision blurred from the blood loss. Blood continued to leak down his face. He whimpered quietly.

Tom glanced at Tord. His heart ached but he turned his attention to Orange Leader.

“Oh? You're the nightmare? Yeah right!~” Orange beamed. Tom snarled. Without hesitation, he dashed over to her.

The two broke into a fight. Her foot swiftly attempts to kick at the brit, but Tom grabbed her foot and twisted it. She screamed out in pain. Trying to retract her leg. Tom growled as his tail smacked her harshly into the stomach. She flew a few feet and landed onto the dirty battle feild.

She groaned and tried to sit up but Tom ran and jumped up. He landed straight onto her chest.

Orange coughed and spat out blood. Her blue eyes looked up at Tom. Fearfully she tried to squirm away. Tom lifted one his arms up. His claws looked extremely sharp.
“I love Tord Larsin. You fucking BITCH!”
Tom used his foot and stomped aggressively onto her chest a few times before getting up.

Orange couldn't move. Her body felt weak. Sore. So much pain going through her. Tom grinned. He grinned like a mad man.

Tord watched. His vision constantly going in and out. He felt warm tears roll down his face. He rolled onto his side and coughed out a pool of blood.

Paul and Pat gasped as they ran over to Tord. Leylah rushing over behind the two.

Tom didn't notice. He takes out the pistol that was in his pocket and smiled.
“Nobody, nobody hurts my love like that. Ever again.Tom says, and without hesitation he shot her in the head and chest.

The monster features slowly faded out. Tom slowly stepped back. He was covered in Orange leader's blood. His digital eyes expressed pure shock. His hands trembled. He dropped his gun.

His head sharply turned to see Tord with Leylah.
He rushed over.

“Is Tord okay?!” Tom shouted but nobody answered him. Tord was rushed back inside of the base.

Tom felt his heart race. He started to panic. He let out a scream in frustration as he followed them.

Eventually Tom reached the infirmary. He slammed open the large doors. Medics were surrounding their Leader.

“Is he okay?!” Tom cried out. He tried to go over but Paul and Patryck got in the way.

Tom heard 'clear!' from a medic. Then the familiar sound of a defibrillator. His heart dropped. Recognizing the sound of electricity.

Paul sighed. “We can visit him later..”

“What?! No! H-hes not dead..right!?”

Paul fell silent. Patryck placed a hand onto Tom's shoulder. Tom started to bawl.

“No! He's not right?! NO! FUCK THAT! NO! Love?! LOVE! C-can you hear me?!”Tom screamed out to where the medics were.

Paul and Patryck started to tug Tom out of the infirmary. Which caused Tom's sobs to get louder.


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