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Tord has rushed Tom into the infirmary. Tom has passed out due to the amount of blood loss.

“Leylah! Get Thomas fixed!” Red Leader shouted as she ran over. A few medics as well ran over. They take Tom away from their leaders hands and rushed him into a hospital room to be mended.

Tord left the infirmary imediantly after that. A sharp pain was in his chest. He teared up. How could he hurt his love? So much? 

“What the hell is wrong with me?..I broke him. He will never love me. I am not capable of loving someone. He shouldn't have gotten into this mess.” Tord whispered to himself as he went to his office. Opening the large doors.

He felt heavy. This strong tension in the air. He walked over to his large chair and sat down in it. A window was opened. Allowing some of the red army flags he has hanged up blew in the wind.

Suddenly a soft knock was heard at the door. Tord felt his eyes water as he turned his attention to the door. “Enter.” He spoke softly.

The door opened to reveal Patryck. “Paul sent me over to come check on you son. What's the problem?”

Tord folded his hands on his desk. His blue light on the robotic arm flickered. He looked at Patryck with tears.
“I did something, that I regret doing.”

“That is? Sweetheart, I need more of an explanation.”

Tord got up from his office chair. He placed his hands behind his back and stood tall. His small frame walked towards the window. He yawned for a moment, then started to speak.
“I physically hurt my love. I regret it. Thomas and i are.. in a relationship? I think. But, we did confess our love for each other.”

Pat walked over and placed a comforting hand onto Tords shoulder.
“I know about that. you shot his leg, right?”

Tord nodded.

“I see. Now son, I need you to look at me and listen to me. Okay?”
Patryck says softly.

Tord turned his body and faced Patryck. He looked up at his Papa and nodded.

“What you did, was wrong. You need to show Tom how you truly feel towards him. Hiding it and using violence isn't healthy for the relationship. It's just going to make it spiral into a mess that you'd rather not get into. Okay?”

Tord widened his eyes and nodded. Realizing everything. He truly did break himself and broke his love
along side with him.

Patryck sighed as he gave Tord a big hug. Tord returned it and held his tears in. Patryck slowly pulled away from the hug and walked to the exit of the office.
“By the way, Leylah says he's stable. It wasn't as bad as you thought. He should be able to start limping by tomorrow.” Pat says and then left the office.

Tord watched helplessly as the door calmly closed. He tangled his fingers into his hair and yanked his ponytail out. His hair dropped down in his face. Hot tears rolled down his face.

Loud sobs left his lips as he hid his face into arms. But then his crying halted. He lifted his head.

“I can't dwell. This is vulnerability. I can't show this to anyone.But, I can be softer to Thomas..” He mumbled to himself. He felt his body start to relax. He ran his hand through his partly longed locks.

“No! No, what am I saying?! Do I really want to show weakness?”

“But I do want to show him love.”

Tord sighed as he went over to the window. He watched as another rainy night occured. Listening to the rain soothed his nerves.

Taking out a cigar from the pack he had. He lights it. He pressed the cigar to his lips and took a large inhale. Then slowly exhaled, blowing the smoke out into the cold air.

“I will treat Thomas better..But, I am having a talk with him about what he have done.” He says to himself as he continued to smoke.

He hasn't been by himself in a long time. It felt oddly comforting. He didn't realize, but he has already gone through half of his pack of cigars.

He placed another one to his lips and lights it. He coughed for a moment before inhaling. He blew out the smoke. He felt relaxed now.

Flicking the cigar outside. He slammed the window shut. He walked to his bedroom and grabbed some pajamas he could change into.

But first, he definitely needed a shower. The young communist leader went into his bathroom to take his shower.

Tom groaned. His digital eyes turning back on. He looked around for a moment before stopping. He sees a woman. He furrowed his eyebrows.
“Who are you?.. Where's Tord?..”

“My name is Leylah, I am the medic that helped with your eye surgery as well. Is your leg feeling better? The bullet is removed. You're lucky it wasn't so far into your skin. Orrrr, we would've have to amputate.” She says with no remorse. She crossed her legs as she faced the patient.

Tom scoffed but sighed. “It's better than before.”

“Good. Red Leader will visit you tomorrow morning. So rest up.” Leylah says as she gets out of the chair that she was sitting in. She left the hospital room. She calmly closed the door as she left.

Tom groaned as he heard the heart monitor beeping quietly. There wasn't light in this room. It was dark. The only light that was there was from the computer monitor. He felt exhausted.

He weakly lifted his hand up and pressed a button on his goggles. They turned onto sleep mode as he got comfortable in the hospital bed. Falling asleep and dreaming about Red Leader.

– – – –
Tord got out of the bathroom. He has finished his shower. Ruffling his washed hair. He yawned. The past few weeks have not been so pleasant.

He went to his bed and laid into it. Laying on his back. Something felt off. Strange. Then it hit him. Tom wasn't laying next to him. Tord felt a wave of loneliness wash over him. He rolled over to the side and hugged onto a pillow.

He felt himself tear up again as he nuzzled the pillow. His heart feeling heavy.

He sniffled and cried quietly for a moment. He shakes his head.

“No, it's okay. I will see him tomorrow.”
He says before falling asleep.

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