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Tom looked at Tord. Astonished. His grip slowly loosened. Tord moved his hands down and crossed them over his chest.

“Yes. I created that monster. That monster you have? The genes were created by yours truly.”

“When? H-how could that be?..”

Tord clicked his tongue as he leaned up. His arms snaking around Tom's neck as he brushed his nose softly against the brits cheek.

Tom felt himself blush. He melted into the touch. His stomach twisted. He knew he shouldn't feel this way towards the evil man in front of him. But he couldn't help it. His heart urged him on. The love that burned inside of him grew, and grew. Even though his mind shouted thoughts to ignore his heart. But, Tom couldn't help it. He listened to his heart more than his head.

“When we lived with Edd and Matt. I sneaked into your room one night. There, you were peacefully resting,” Tord paused as his eyes expressed love to the Brit. His  robotic hand glided down and cupped Tom's face.

Tom leaned his face into the touch. It was warm and gentle. He missed this touch.

“I decided to inject a serum into your neck. Which, caused your monster DNA to flood into your veins,” Tord continued. His lips pursed as he leaned in.

"B-but why?..” Tom bravely asked. He leaned in as well. His digital eyes glancing down at Tords lips before going back to looking at Tords eyes.

“Because, I wanted to see if it would work on a human. So why not test my theory?” A light chuckle erupted out of the shorter males lips as he stepped back. He startled to circle around Tom. Slow but intimidating steps.

Tom watched and remained standing straight. Purple smoke continued to seep out from the goggles.

“Come on Tommy boy, attack me. You know you want too.”

The tall male snarled. Claws started to form onto his hands as a tail appeared. It swayed in anger as horns grew up on the top of the Brits head.

Tord watched in awe as he slowly stepped back. Seeing that Tom has gotten stronger, taller, and more muscular. “My such a good, good little monster.~”

Tom clenched his teeth. He then charged at Tord. The norwegian yelped when he was harshly pinned against the wall once more. “You did this too me!” He screamed out at Tord.  A large scratch when across Tords face from the sharp pointed claws.

“Gah!” Tord cried out. Fresh blood dripped down Tords face. He panted lightly.  A small smile appeared on his face as his eyes watered. “I am so proud of you.. c'mon Tommy, hit me, hit me again.”

Tom started to cry. He shakes his head and stepped back. “No! No! I-i can't..I can't do this to you..” He mumbled in a panicked state. He hyperventilated as his monster features faded. He fell onto his knees as he hugged his trembling body.

Tord watched. A pain of guilt washed over his soul as he walked over to the now sobbing Brit. Droplets of blood continued to roll down Tords face. The rain continued to pour. It has gotten late now, the  darkness of night has began to set.

Tom lifted his head when he noticed Tord approached him. “N-no..! You have to stay away from me..! I'll end up hurting you more! I refuse to do that!” He shouted out as he frantically crawled back away from Tord.

Tord however stopped Tom. His black combat boot pressed harshly into Tom's back. Tom whimpered as he lowered his head. He continued to cry. Tord felt warm tears start to roll down his face as well. The tears stung the man's scratch that was across his face. He knew it would end up being a scar.

Tom started to bawl. He wanted to avoid the norwegian as much as possible right now. But he knew he couldn't. He knew he was stuck. Stuck with the communist leader.



“Look at me.”

Tom looked up at Tord. Tord removed his boot off of Tom's back. The British man slowly sat up. He looked at Tord and noticed he was crying as well.

“Please do not cry.” Tord whispered as he knelt down to Tom. He brought Tom into a hug.

Tom gasped when he felt Tords arms wrap around himself. Tom slumped his head down Tords shoulder. 

“I pushed you too far. I am sorry.” Tord apologized as he kissed Tom's head.

Tom felt his heart flutter. He nuzzled Tords neck and sighed. He sniffled. His crying has stopped, along with the norwegian.
“No, it's okay. I'm sorry.”

“Do not apologize to me.”


“No! No..This was my doing.”

Tom whimpered as he nodded. He lifted the short leader up and placed him down on his lap. He eyed the large scratch and gently touched it. Tord whined from the pain.



Tord weakly giggled. He laid his head on Tom's chest. Tom felt his heart skip a beat as he wrapped his arms around the norsk. Holding the shorter leader close to himself.

"It's okay, min kjærlighet."

Villain - TomTord Where stories live. Discover now