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The day rolled in. A soft golden sun rises into the bedroom that Tord slept in. He slowly opened his eyes.

Sitting up in his bed. He rubbed his heterochromia colored eyes. He slowly looked outside his window. Seeing the sun.

It was very early in the morning. The sun wasn't even completely high into the sky yet.

His gaze looked over at the digital clock that was on his night stand. It read 6:00AM.

He got out of bed and changed into his leadership uniform. He puts on his eyepatch as well. He stretched for a moment. Then zipped up his boots. He was exhausted. Be needed to see Tom.

Standing back up. The young leader left his bedroom and walked down the hallway that lead to the office exit.

He opened the door and left his office. Calmly closing the door behind himself.

As he walked, he noticed Paul was awake as well. He was sitting by a window and smoking a cigarette.

Paul gave Tord a small smile and tossed him a granola bar. “Eat something.” He says as Tord caught it with his hands.

“Thank you.” Tord mumbled in reply.  Paul nodded a bit as he watched Tord walk away.

His boots making a soft echoing sound as he walked away. He takes a deep breath as he approached to the infirmary.

Opening the granola bar. He started to eat it as he walks to Tom's hospital room. He knocked softly onto the door before entering it.

Tom woke up. His head slowly turned over to face the opening entrance. His digital eyes got imediantly more clear after a few seconds.

“Hi, min kjære.” Tord greeted in a soft, gentle tone of voice. Tom felt himself tear up. He slowly sat up into the bed. Tord threw away his wrapper and walked over.

He sat onto Tom's bed. His red eye the only being shown to the Brit. Tom slowly smiled as he scooted closer to Tord.
“Hey.” Tom whispered as he pecked Tord's cheek.

Tord felt himself blush a little. “I am, so sorry.” He sincerely apologized.

Tom frowned. He knew exactly why this apology occurred. “You say that, but.. you will hurt me again. I know it.”

“No! No. Never again. Please trust me. I don't mean to do this to you.” Tord begged. He held onto Tom's hands as tears started to roll down his face.

“Oh, please don't cry. I hate seeing you cry.” Tom pressed his forehead against Tords. He grunted in slight pain as sat up more. He brought Tord into a warm hug.

Tord whimpered. "No! I can't love you. Please! please you have to stop loving me!”

“No. I can't! I can't stop loving you.” Tom says shakily. His hands trembled as he held onto Tords face.
“You wanna know why?”

“Why?!” Tord raised his voice a little but Tom shushed him.

“Because deep inside, I know you're a good person. You're just wrapped in your own thoughts and getting this leadership out of hand.”

Tord whimpered but lowered his head. He nodded in agreement. He knew Tom was speaking the truth.
“You're right. Maybe I am taking my duties too far.”

Tom lifted Tords head. “But you know what? It's okay. You're just passionate about your job. Even if, it's not a good one. I will support you through your path of taking over the world. Because I love you. I don't ever want to leave your side.” He spoke softly and kissed Tords lips.

Tord returned the kiss and wrapped his arms around Tom's neck slowly.  Tom slowly pulled away from the kiss. He frowned when he noticed the eyepatch had rested on the norski's right eye.

“Take that off please.” He whispered.

“Why? I look hideous without it.”

“Nonsense. Just, please listen to me and do what I asked.”

Tord hesitated but removed the eyepatch from his  right eye.

Tom felt his heart flutter when he saw Tords eyes. They truly were enchanting.
“You're so handsome..” Tom whispered as he placed his hand onto Tords scarred cheek.

Tord was about to shove Tom's hand away but froze. He slowly leaned into the touch which caused the Brit to smile.

“See? there you go. You're getting more use to it. That's good.” Tom reassured.

Tord smiled in return. “I'm sorry. I just..miss this touch, alot. I guess I didn't realized how much I missed it because of how much I pushed you away.”

“It's alright Tordy. Let's just, not hurt me anymore. Do you promise me this?”


“It's okay if you can't promise me right now.” Tom cut Tord off as he got of of bed. Tord went wide eyed.

“Thomas! You should stay in your hospital bed!”

“Nah, don't worry about me. Leylah said I can walk.”

Tord got off the bed and walked over Tom. Tom looked down at Tord. He smiled slightly as picked up Tord.

Tord squeaked when he got picked up. Tom held Tord bridal style as he carried his newly boyfriend out of the hospital room. The two left the infirmary.

He limped slightly as he continued to walk. Tords head slowly laid onto Tom's chest.

Tom brought Tord back into the office. He went inside and walked down the long hallway. He winced occasionally when he continued to limp.

He made it to the large bedroom and laid Tord into the king-sized bed.

“Comfortable?” Tom asked as Tord nodded. He slowly laid down next to the norwegian. He hissed in pain. “Fuck, my leg is still sore..”

“I'm sorry.” Tord apologized again but Tom shakes his head. He leaned in and kissed Tord softly.

“It's okay, Love.”

Villain - TomTord Where stories live. Discover now