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The two have calmed themselves. Tord got off of Tom's lap. Which caused the British male to sharply look over. He watched as Tord walked over to the window pane.

Tords small hand grazed the window sill before slowly moving upwards to the window pane. A long exhale left his lips.

Tom walked over. He wrapped his arms around Tords waist. Feeling the relaxation consume him.

They both watched as the rain continued to fall. It was nightfall. Soldiers must've been asleep by now. Except for the night patrollers.


“Yes, what is it?”

“Let's go out there.”

“In the rain?”


“I don't see a problem with that.”

The two exchanged glances towards each other. Tord placed his hand onto Tom's chest. His eyes reflected a gentle look in them. He didn't seem crazed right now.

Tom's lips curled into a small smile. He held onto Tord's hand. They left the office. Just the two of them together walked down the large stairs. No soldier was in sight. Only the echoing of their footsteps can be heard.

“I feel safe with you.” Tom blurted out. But the two continued to walk. Tord didn't respond to that. In fact, he didn't talk the entire time. They reached the exit.

Tord shoved open the doors. The harsh sound of rain can be heard much louder than from the inside.

The two went outside. They ran together into the rain. Hand-to-hand as they ran into the forest. Their clothes getting soaked very quickly.

They stopped once they reached a much quieter environment. Dark green forest trees surrounded them. A bit of wind blew in both of their hair.

Tom extended his hand out for Tord to hold. “May I have this dance, Red Leader?”

“Of course you may.” Tord replied. A smile formed onto his face as he held onto Tom's hand.

The two started to sway and slow dance in the rain. Their bodies close together for warmth. Tom twirled the smaller man and dipped him downwards, and then pulled him close.

A small laugh left Tords lips as he was dipped. He suddenly felt genuinely happy. Once he was pulled back up. The two eyed each other with love and passion.

“That feeling is back again.”

“A feeling?”

“Yes. What are you doing to me?”

“I am not sure what you mean.”

They continued to dance. Their bodies swaying as rain harshly fell. Their clothes were completely drenched now. Hair, sopping wet. But the two didn't care. They pressed their foreheads together.

Tom continued to sway with Tord. To the left, to the right, forward, and backward. Then, he abruptly stopped.

“Holy shit.” Tom whispered. “You're really, feeding into this feeling with me?”

Villain - TomTord Where stories live. Discover now