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A few more weeks go by. Tom did get the sleep he needed, but..he didn't visit his lover.

Seeing him like that, only broke Tom apart. He felt bad for just leaving like that. He hopes that Tord understood.

As Tom signed Red Leaders signature on a file. The door opened.

"Thomas." An norwegian accent spoke. Tom dropped his pen and imediantly lifted his head.

"Love! You're okay!" He beamed as he got out the chair. He walked over and hugged the shorter leader.

"Y-yes..I'm okay." Tord replied, but in a sad tone of voice. Tom furrowed his eyebrows.

"You sound sad, Love. Why?"

"No! You left me." Tord spoke as he stepped back from the hug. He had a brand new robotic arm. But his right side of his face, had even more scars than he did previously. Most of them were by his eye now. The clouded grey eye was still like that, but it looked almost white now.

"Love, let me explain."

"Better have a good explanation." Tord spat and crossed his arms. A hurtful look in his eyes.

Tom wrapped his arms around Tord and held him close.
"I couldn't bare to see you in that much pain, it really affected me. I had to take some time, and reflect. I-i..I did your paperwork, and worked on myself. I hope while you were resting.. you were doing the same."

"I-i mean.. I did have my therapist come by once every other day. That kind of relaxed my nerves.." Tord spoke much more calmer. He wrapped his arms around Tom's neck.

Tom chuckled. "I just realized something."


"I saved you."

"Darling, I know that." Tord says and pecked Toms lips. Tom thought Tord would've been pissed about this. But, he wasn't. That really made Tom's heart happy.

"No, I mean. I was a hero. Again. I-i was being your hero."

Tords eyes widen when he realized this. His eyes swelled up with tears of joy. He jumped up into Tom's arms. Tom yelped in surprise and held Tord up in his arms.
"You really risked your own life.. to save mine. You really do love me."

"Of course I love you." Tom replied as he carried the norsk inside to the bedroom. The sun was starting to set.

Tord looked over to the sunset. The colors were pretty out there.
"I love sunsets."

"Everybody does." Tom says jokingly. He sat down on the bed and placed Tord on top of his lap.

"Sunsets remind me of my mother." Tord says. Which caused Tom to fall silent. He wrapped his arms around Tords waist. "How strong of a woman she was, I may only have known her as a baby but by photographs.. I can tell she was a good person. Yet, she loved my father, which..he wasn't a good man. But he was proud of being the previous Red Leader. And now look at me, I have conquered most-if not all the world."

"Your parents would be proud of you right now." Tom says as he nuzzled Tords neck.

"Sorry, for turning this all sappy."

"Hey. It's okay to talk it out. I may not be the best at giving advice, but I can still listen and hope that can help you."

"It really does help me, min kjærlighet."

Tom couldn't help but smile. He turned the Norwegians head and kissed his lips.

Tord returned the kiss as he fully turned around in Tom's lap. Tom wrapped his arms around Tords waist as they kissed for a moment.

"I love holding you, kissing you, loving you, it really makes my dull heart light up with joy."

"It does?"

"Yes, Red Leader."

"Good, my Second Commander."


Tord nodded. He cleared his throat as he explained.
"Yes. You're the second in command for my army now. This is your title. Nobody else's. I told Paul and Patryck to announce it to the soldiers. They will listen to you now, instead of treat you like prisoner shit."

Tom laughed softly. He leaned down and brushed his nose against Tords scarred cheek. "Good, I earn respect after saving you."

"Indeed you do, kjæreste." Tord purred as he leaned in and kissed Tom's lips. The sun had faded away. Now the moon rises high into the sky. It was only a crescent moon however.

"I really like your accent." Tom complimented. "Even since we met back in highschool.. I really did have a crush on you."

"You, did?"

"Yes, yes I did.. but you were my bully. And, whatever!- that doesn't matter anymore. Because you're mine now. That's what matters."

"Yes, don't let the past haunt you min kjære, only focus on the present." Tord giggled quietly. He kissed Tom's cheek.

"You're so..gentle now."

"Gentle?.. is that bad? I-i can-"

"No! No.. it's cute. It's nice, I really enjoy this side of you better." Tom cuts Tord off as he laid the horned hair man's head onto his chest.

Tord blushed a little red. His robotic went down and held onto one of Tom's hands. "I-im sorry if I'm clingy or..possessive..or..j-just a really bad boyfriend.."

Tom shakes his head. He pressed his pointer finger onto Tords lips. Tord fell quiet. "Stop that. Stop that right now. You're not a horrible boyfriend, you're the best boyfriend I could ever ask for. And I proved that to you. By the amount of trust, time, patience, communication, and love I give to you."

"But that's you. I've gas lighted you.. I emotionally abused you! physically too!! Why, why do you still love me?.."
Tord asks as he teared up.

Tom scooted back into the bed. He kept Tord on his lap. He pressed his forehead against Tords softly.
"Because I can see that you're gentle too. When we danced in the rain..that's where we first kissed. That's when we confessed to each other. That was.. the best time of my life with you."

Tord felt tears stream down his face. His cheeks were rosy. Tom wiped his boyfriend's face.

"Behind this leadership, I see a broken man that just wants to be loved. Right?"

Tord broke into tears and nodded
.He hid his face into Tom's chest and sobbed. Tom rubbed his boyfriend's back.

"Love, please stop crying. Please look at me."

Tord sniffled and lifted his head. Tom cupped Tords cheeks and smiled a bit.

"I love you, okay?"

Tord nodded. Tom calmed down the leader by kissing his tears away. He smiled when he noticed Tord stopped crying.

"I love you too.."

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