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Tom stood on his tipped toes. 'How did Tord put this box up here? He's fucking short.' Tom thought as he grabbed this heavy box down.

He grunted from the amount of weight. He carried the box and whimpered when he limped over to the bed. Placing the box on the bed. He sighed.

“Holy shit that was heavy. No way that was him who put that up there..and by the looks of it, it looks dusty.”

Tom blew some dust off the box and looked towards the bedroom door. He decided he should check on Tord first.

Walking down the hallway, he peered his head through the small opening. He smiled when he noticed Tord was still asleep. Now snuggling with Tom's hoodie. His hair was messed up.

'Cute.' Tom thought as he moved his head away. He started walking back to the bedroom. Occasionally making a wincing sound from the pain and soreness in his leg.

“Now, let's open her up shall we?..” Tom says as he opens the boxes lid. Inside, there were files. Not files of his soldiers however, but of Tord himself.

Tom furrowed his eyebrows. He takes one of them out. It had Tords medical information, and even a short life summary of how he got with Paul and Patryck.

“He was literally placed into a box by his real mother?..” Tom read out loud. He saw a tiny photograph of Tord's actual mother. Tom sighed.

He moves some of the files and then sees a symbol. Not red armys however. But it was sprayed paint orange. Stab wounds were into the papers about this army.

But Tom could read out, ‘Orange Army’.  He glared at the name. And read another file for the information it gave.

“Orange Leader, murdered Mr.Larsin and Mrs.Larsin when their son,
Tord Larsin was only a baby.” Tom  read out.  “Paul and Patryck we're great friends with the family, but had to take the son under their wings and become his foster parents.”

Tom frowned as stacked up the files more neatly. He placed some back inside of the box. He noticed a photo album and takes it out.

He looked inside of the album. Noticing the old outdated disposable camera photos. It had only Tord as a baby. And little writings about how handsome of a baby boy he was. With heart stickers and smiley faces.

Tom teared up. He was too invested into the book that he didn't notice Tord was standing there.

“What are you doing?” Tord says. Which caused Tom to be startled. He jerked his head upwards in alarm.


“No, it's alright. I am not angry with you.” Tord replied as he sat on the bed. He saw a photograph of his mother and frowned.

“I'm sorry for snooping through your business Tord! I-i was just–”

“No, it's alright. In fact, I never knew about what was inside of this box. Paul placed that box up there when I was four. I was always curious on what was in there, but everytime I asked what's inside they will just say no.”

“O-oh, it's just information about you as a youngling, a-and about your real parents I found out..” Tom replied as he carefully placed the files and baby book back inside of the box.

“Put it away. I don't want Paul finding out we looked through this damn thing.”

“Okay..” Tom mumbled as he closed the box. He picked it up as he grunted. He walked back to the closet and pushed it back up on top of the shelf that it was at previously.

“Good. Now we must not tell my father's we went through it..”

“Why not?” Tom asked.

“It's traumatic I presume. They will likely be pissed off at me. But more towards you for snooping about secret information about myself.”

Tom sighed but agreed with Tord. He knew it would most definitely be a bad idea if he brought it up to Paul and Patryck.

“I love you.” Tord mumbled as he kissed Tom's forehead. Tom smiled when he felt the sudden affection from the Norwegian.

I love you too.” Tom replied as brought Tord close to him. Tord lays his head back onto Tom's chest. The Brit blushed when he noticed the smaller male wearing his hoodie.

“Do you want your hoodie back..?”

“No, you can wear it for now. It's cute on you.” Tom complimented as he looked at Tord with love. His digital eyes turned into pink hearts for a moment before going back to green.

“Oh thank you, min kjære. That's mighty sweet of you to say.”

Tom chuckled as he raised his hand up. He started to play with Tords hair. Tord jerked his head back.

“Y-you still love me?”

“Yes, now let me show you more affection you cute little shit.” Tom joked as he moved his hand back into Tords hair.

Tord blushed a dark crimson red. He leaned into Tom's touch and smiled softly. “I love you.”

“I love you more, Tord.”

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