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Tord had a mental breakdown. Tears continued to pour out of his eyes. He ripped off his eyepatch. He breathed heavily. Why must he feel vulnerable?

He slowly calmed himself down. His expression went back to the lack of emotions. He shakes his head. “How ridiculous of me. Why must I get those emotions out of hand? He will love me. I know he will.”

He reassured himself as he rises out of chair. He wiped his tears away. His robotic hand swiftly grabbing the hair tie as he puts his hair back up.

Feeling the tension slowly leave off his shoulders. He decided to go back into the bedroom. He smiled slightly when he noticed Tom was asleep.

He approached the brit and sat onto the bed. His hand slowly went up and felt the visible bruises on Tom's face.

“I don't mean to hurt you.” Tord whispered. “I hate this emotion you make me endure.”

His hand played with Tom's locks. He curled it in between his fingers. His lips pursed.

“This emotion. Why, why must you make me feel this way?” He asked softly.

Tom stirred awake. He looked and noticed the horn haired caramel colored hair brunet. He glared. 
“What the fuck do you want from me now?! Can't you see I'm trying to sleep!”

“Calm down.” Tord replied as he cupped Tom's cheek. Tom tensed up but he furrowed his eyebrows.

“Calm down?! You literally kidnapped me and brought me to Norway! You think I'm going to calm down?!”

Tord felt a stinging sensation start in his chest. He narrowed his eyes. Which caused Tom to closed his mouth. He finally noticed. Tords eyes. They were heterochromic. But he knew the clouded one he couldn't see out of.

"Your eyes..” Tom whimpered. He felt guilty. “Your face..” “Your arm..”He says shakily as he takes in Tords appearance now.

“Now you notice?”

“I'm so sorry.”

“I should be the one apologizing. But why apologize if I am still doing the wrong?”

Tom felt himself tear up again. He couldn't help it. Everytime he sees Tord now, he cries. He doesn't understand why. But there's a strong feeling. A burning passion of love and care for the evil pyschotic man.

“You know,”


“I was a hero too.” Tord replied in a soft voice.  “I was delusional. I wanted to save everyone. Just like you. But you know what?”

Tom whimpered as he watched Tord get off the bed. Tom imediantly followed. He went over and gently pinned Tord against the wall.

“Life doesn't let you be a hero. It breaks you, it destroys you. It gets you on your knees until you give in.” Tord says as his eyes narrowed.

Tom looked deep into Tords heterochromia eyes. His vision blurred for a moment before becoming clear again. It kept repeating this cycle of events.

“Maybe you didn't try hard enough.” He continued to speak. His voice felt numb as the words left the norwegians cold lips.

Tom leaned in. He spat out. “You think you're superior?!”

“No. I'm not superior. I'm brave. I'm brave for what I am doing.”

"You're playing games! And you are not fucking aware of the consequences that you will face!” Tom screamed out into Tords face. Tears rolled down Tom's cheeks as he cried more.

Tord let out a small laugh. He leaned in and pressed his forehead against Tom's.“You're not strong enough to survive the storm, min kjærlighet.” Tord whispered against Tom's lips.

Tom gasped softly as he tried to move back. But something in his heart told him to remain put. And so, he did. He remained in the spot where he was. His face inches close to Tords lips.

“If I wanted to burn this world to the ground, make everyone kneel at my feet...will, will you help me my hero?” Tord asked softly as he eyed Tom lovingly.

Tom wasn't sure what to say. He was shocked. Confused. Scared. Horrified. Loved..? A mixture of emotions.

“You are quite foolish, aren't you?” Tord asked as he tilted his head to the side. Tom couldn't help but cup the right side of Tord's face. Feeling the scars. How leathery and torn the skin felt on his finger tips.

“Not foolishness, just confused about everything at this very moment.”

“Well, Thomas..I see that. But, I have something to ask. Something you may not have the answers for.”

“What is it?”

“What is a hero? What is a villain? Who decides what's good and evil? Is it life and death? Light and shadow? Daylight or the darkness of the night? Are we angels or demons?” Tord laughed at the questions he flooded towards the Brit.

“I don't have the answer.”

“I know you wouldn't have. But I do know this.”
The Norwegian paused as he looked at Tom lovingly.

Tom returned the gaze. But Tord couldn't tell because of the voided eyes.

"I am the villain. You are my hero."

Villain - TomTord Where stories live. Discover now