Chapter 13: The Second Ability

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We were at the agency, Atsushi, Dazai, Kunikida, and Fukuzawa were waiting to see my ability.

"So, how does it work?" Kunikida asks.

"Maybe wait to find out?" Atsushi asks while sitting on a chair.

"Well, through my blood?"

"Try." Fukuzawa says.

I grab my pocket knife and set the blade on my arm.

"It's okay if I do this? Right?" I ask.

"It's concerning.... But okay." Fukuzawa nods.

I cut my arm.

I try to ignore the pain. I then use the blood to make a waving hand.

"Woah! Your eyes are glowing red!" Atsushi exclaims.

"Can you use your other ability?" Fukuzawa asks.

I then make a blue shield appear out of my right hand.

"So she can use them both at once...." Kunikida says.

"Can you use other blood?" Fukuzawa says.

I stop using my ability, and my blood disappeared into thin air.

"What the...." I mumble.

"Interesting....." Atsushi mumbles.

"Atsushi." I say, "you're my first test subject."

"Wait...... WHAT?!" He shouts.

"Hold still....." I mumble and place the blade on his arm.

"NO WAY!" He shouts. "I DON'T WANT YOU TO CUT ME!"

"Atsushi." Fukuzawa says. "Just do it."


I move the blade across his arm.

"OW!" He yells.

I use my ability and used his blood to make a digital tiger.

"Woah....." Atsushi mumbled.

Suddenly, I had a red tiger arm.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" I shout.

Everyone looked surprised.

"How is she using my ability?!" Atsushi asked.

"This is by far the strangest ability I've ever seen." Fukuzawa says.

"No way!" Dazai exclaims, "Try mine!"

He grabs the knife and cuts his arm.

My red tiger arm turns back to normal. Nothing happened.

"Atsushi, use your tiger arm." I say.

Atsushi then turned his arm into a tiger's.

"What's your ability called again?" I asked him.

"No Longer Human?" He says.

"No Longer Human!" I say and touch Atsushi. The ability worked, except the power looked the color red.

His arm turned back to normal.

"Amazing!" Dazai exclaimed.

"Me might wanna make a list of all of this so far....." Fukuzawa mumbles.

~Time Skip~

"So all we know so far is that any ability user's blood Y/n uses her power on, she can manipulate the ability. And she can even use her original ability 'Digital Web' with different blood......" Atsushi writes down on a notepad.

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