Since it is Friday, I finally get paid from my past week at work. Getting paid is honestly the best feeling but then you remember that you have to put most of it towards house payments and car payments and then it isn't as good of a feeling it could be.
After I finish work, I pull on black ripped jeans, a light grey T-shirt and heels before grabbing my bag and meeting Ashton outside of the club.
"Hello," he greets me, taking my hand and guiding me into the passenger seat of his SUV.
"Thank you for picking me up," I smile at him as he starts the car.
"No problem,"
"So, where are we doing?" I ask, looking at him drive.
Honestly he looks so hot driving. When guys drive with one hand on the wheel and their elbow on the center compartment, it is such a turn on.
"I was thinking we could get some drinks or maybe get a bunch of fast food and watch a movie at my house, whatever sounds fun to you." He looks over at me, flashing a quick smile before focusing back on the road.
"A movie sounds fun but I wish I knew because I got all dressed up,"
"It's fine, I have some sweatpants you can borrow at my place," he assures me.
"Oh I forgot to tell you that my friends and I share one house so they might be loud and a little obnoxious," he warns me.
I chuckle telling him it's okay before we pull into the driveway of his house. It's a nice size house with another car in the driveway.
Ashton guides me up the stairs to the front door, opening it up and welcoming me into his house.
Music is playing loudly from another room. Ashton walks in front of me, guiding me into the kitchen.
"Erin, this is Calum and Luke," he greets me to his friends, that I have seen before but I'm not sure where. "I'm not sure where Michael is-probably upstairs playing video games."
"Nice to meet you guys," I smile nervously, following Ashton into his living room.
There is a white L shaped couch in the center of the room with a coffee table in front of it and a huge TV on the wall in front of the couch.
"I'll get you some more comfortable clothes, but make your self comfortable, I'll be back soon." Ashton hops up stairs, skipping one step at a time.
"Are you that stripper?" Calum asks, interrupting me from my daze.
"Um, yeah," I reply nervously.
I feel lower than them because he makes it sound like such a horrible thing but it's guiding me through my life so I don't end up on the streets and it pisses me off when people ask me questions like that.
Calum nods awkwardly before following Luke into another room.
I let out loud sigh, siting on the couch, taking my shoes off to massage the backs of my feet because of the uncomfortable heels I've been wearing all day.
"Sorry I took so long, my room was a mess and I couldn't find anything but here you go," Ashton hands me a pair of black sweatpants. "There is a bathroom down the hall."
I walk over to the bathroom, locking the door behind me before taking off my jeans and changing into the sweatpants. I pull my long hair into a low ponytail, looking at myself in the mirror before exiting the bathroom and walking back into the living room.
double update bitche$$$ !!!!!!!
this chapter was about 400 more words than the rest of them so that's cool I guess lol
wattpad is pissing me off rn so sorry if my updates are kind of all over the place even tho they normally are.
thanks for reading
- morgan xx