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The car ride was full of the boys fighting because they were uncomfortable in their seats or there wasn't enough room in the car or that they wanted food. I just played on my phone or slept.

I soon got a text from Ashton because he couldn't talk to me a centimeter away.

Ash: I really want to kiss you right now.

Me: why don't you?

Ash: you're brother is in the same proximity as me and i don't want to die today

Me: such a baby

"Where the hell are we going?" I almost yell because I'm getting tired of sitting in this car while Luke drives around the fucking world.

"We'll be there in 20 minutes, be patient, Erin," Luke groans.

"Fucking annoying," I whisper, bringing my attention back to my phone.


We make it to the middle of the woods, only a log cabin and trees in site. Awesome.

"Is this where we're staying for the next four days?" I ask, disgust filling my voice.

"Yeah, cmon, Erin It'll be fun," Luke smacked my back, opening the door to the log cabin.

We all follow behind him, dropping out bags by the door.

"It smells like sweaty balls," Calum muttered.

"This is nice, guys," Luke smiles, going in each room.

There is one room with a full bed, the boys gave me that one.

Perks of being the only girl on this trip: I get the most comfortable seats to sit or sleep in.

There is another room with two bunk beds, the boys said they are sleeping in there. There is also a kitchen and a living room with a TV which you can only put movies in because we're in the middle of the fucking woods so there isn't any signal.

"Let's go swimming!" Luke suggests as we all flop down on the couch.

"And where can we swim?" Ashton asks him.

"There's a lake a few feet away we can swim in,"

We all groan before separating ways to get changed. I didn't bring a bathing suit but I did bring extra changes of bras and underwear so I guess I'll have to swim in that.

I start walking to the lake that is actually put in the open and I'm not sure how we didn't see this when we first got here.

The boys eventually exit the cabin and walk towards the lake.

"Who wants to rope swing in first?" Luke asks, holding onto the thick white rope attached to a tall tree.

"I'm just gonna go all in," I say before running off the cliff and jumping into the lake under me.

Right when I hit the cold water, I take no time to come back up but I'm soon splashed by water when Ashton jumps in next to me.

I look up to see Calum on the rope, swinging over the lake and falling into the water.

Me and Ashton swim to the other side of the lake so we can go back to the group. We make it on the land, starting to walk back to the other side.

"This sucks," Ashton states as we walk.


"I feel like we can't even acknowledge each other without someone butting in or letting us not talk,"

"Well, how 'bout we don't care what they think and do what we want and not how they want, kay?"

"I don't want to di-"

"You aren't going to die, Ash," I chuckle. "Luke will be fine, I'll talk some sense into him. He can't be mad at us for having feelings for each other, right?"

"Yeah, I guess," He sighs as we make it back to the cabin.

"You don't want to swim anymore?" Ashton asks.

"No, not in the mood to swim anymore,"

"Okay," Ashton says as I lay my head on his shoulder.


This sucked im so sorry.

I'm having writers block but this was written already so I needed to finish it before I wont be uploading for one week bc im going on vacation on Saturday until Saturday


Anyway, thanks for reading!

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