Me and Ashton ended up in the basement, sitting on the couch while listening to Coldplay quietly in the background.
"Ashton, what do you work for?"
He scoffs, biting his lip and staring up at the ceiling.
"You going all business on me?"
"I'm not at all business-ey, Ashton,"
"Me and the boys tried this whole band thing, it sounds dumb now, but it never worked out, we lost inspiration," Ashton says sadly.
"Oh, I'm sorry,"
"It's fine," he shrugs. "Calum tried soccer but he got a concussion and was told he couldn't do it anymore."
"Oh, that sucks,"
"What's the next plan then?" I ask.
"I want to do something with music but I'm not sure what it would be,"
"What instrument did you play or were you like a band that just sings,"
"Hot," I mutter.
Ashton giggles, looking down in his lap.
"I have faith in you that you'll end up doing something you love, Ashton," I put myself in his lap, laying my head on his shoulder and kissing the side of his neck.
"What's something you love to do?"
"Can't you tell?" I ask.
"I know for a fact you don't love your job,"
"I did competitive dance when I was younger,"
"Ah, that's where you get those moves from,"
"Douche," I mutter, wrapping my arms around his torso.
"Why don't you do dance now?"
"Getting too old," I joke.
"You're 22, Erin,"
"It was a joke!"
"Can we go to bed, it's four a.m and my boss will probably want me to run errands for her again?" I roll my eyes at the thought of my annoying boss.
"Here or my room?" Ashton picks me up, wrapping my legs around his waist and connecting my arms around his neck.
"A bed would be nice to sleep in," I smile, as we go up the stairs into the living room.
"Aw look at the adorable couple," Luke says from the couch.
"Fuck off," Ashton groans, managing to climb up the stairs with me on his side.
Ashton flops me down on his bed, helping me under the covers while he goes in the bathroom.
"Do you have a shirt I can borrow?" I yell from my spot in the bed.
"In the top drawer of my dresser," he says.
I go into the top dresser drawer, pulling out a grey singlet with a bunch of words I don't need to read. I pull off my original top and throw on Ashton's shirt, letting it fall to the middle of my thighs.
I crawl back into his bed, curling up into a ball because to me that is the most comfortable position to sleep in.
"Good night, beautiful," I hear Ashton whisper, feeling lips on my forehead before I fall asleep.
thank you for reading!
I won't be posting for the next 3-4 days bc im going camping btw
also, thank you for 5.35 K reads and 280+ votes! ily guys so much :-)