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I try to look nice and not like my brother has seen me half naked dancing on a pole.

After taking a shower I pull on black ripped jeans and a baggy white tshirt. I braid my hair and put on foundation and mascara before grabbing my purse and walking downstairs to meet Ashton.

"You ready?"

I sigh loudly before nodding my head and following him out of my house and into his car.

We park in the driveway to the boys' house.

"Don't be nervous, Erin, he is really accepting of people." Ashton rubs my thigh.

I gulp hard, nodding my head before exiting Ashton's car and walking up to the front door.

Ashton leads me into the living room I've been in many times but Luke and Michael sit on the couch, watching something on tv.

"Luke, can you come into the kitchen with me, please." Ashton says, putting his hand on back, rubbing it slightly.

"Um okay." He furrows his eyebrows before getting up from the couch and walking into the kitchen.

I let out a long sigh before sitting next to Luke at the counter.

"Luke," I sigh.

How the hell do I just say 'oh hey you're my brother but I never met you until now no big deal'

He raises his eyebrows at me, urging me to continue on.

"Do you have a sister or something?" I ask.

What the hell am I doing?

"No," he furrows his eyebrows.


"Yes you do, bro," Ashton nods his head at him.

"No I don't." He grits his teeth.

"Yes you do," I whisper.

"How would you know?" He growls.

"Because I'm your sister."


This sucked. I'm sorry.

The chapters should start getting better but I needed to get this started.

Thanks for reading!

Love you guys! :-))

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