After work, I head over to the boys' house to hang out with Luke and maybe the boys.
It's almost 2 AM but they said they'll still be awake to hang out. Nice, isn't it?
I pull up to their home, locking my car and knocking on the front door of the house.
"Hey, Erin," Luke greets me, pulling me into his embrace.
"How was work?" He asks.
"It was okay," I shrug. "Just tired."
"You can crash here if you are too tired to drive home," Luke suggests.
"Thanks," I rub my forehead before sitting next to him on the couch.
"Gonna get some snacks and drinks, do you like diet coke?"
"Yeah that's fine," I nod, hoping the caffeine wakes me up a bit.
He leaves the room and Ashton soon walks in, sitting in a cushioned chair by the couch.
"Hi Ashton," I smile, putting up my hand.
"What are you doing here so late?" He asks.
"Luke wanted to hang out again, says we should get to know each other more since we are brother and sister now,"
"Always been brother and sister though," he furrows his eyebrows.
"I know," I shrug.
"What's he doing?"
"Getting food,"
"Gives me the perfect time to do this," Ashton stands up, leaning towards me to capture my lips in his.
My only instinct is to push him away. "What the fuck Ashton?" I whisper-shout.
"What?" He crinkles his forehead.
"Take me out to dinner first gosh," I exasperate.
"I thoug-" he cuts himself off "Never mind." he shakes his head, walking upstairs.
Now he hates me. Nice Erin, you're so fucking smart.
I knew I liked him and apparently he likes me too and what do I do? I fucking pull away.
i love rain :-)))
check out my new story Wrong Number. It's a Michael story.
Thanks for reading loves!