I don't even get why it's such a big deal to Ashton whether I'm alone or not. It's not his problem. I'm glad he feels like he doesn't want me to be alone but he doesn't have to terrorize me with questions.
Today, me and Luke are going to the aquarium because we wanted something interesting to do while working on our bond.
We thought the aquarium was a unique choice so that's where we are heading to now.
I sit in the passenger seat while Luke is behind the wheel, messing around with the dials and buttons on the radio to find a station that doesn't have annoying hosts talking.
We park outside of the aquarium, starting to walk to the entrance.
"I'm so excited to see the penguins!" Luke skips to the entrance while I power walk behind him to catch up.
"You like penguins?" I question even though it was an obvious one.
"Love 'em," he chirps.
"What's your favorite animal?" He asks.
"I don't know, I haven't really thought of that," I frown.
I feel like I should know my favorite animal or my favorite color or my favorite place to visit. I feel like I'm missing those details in my life.
"What do you think is your favorite animal?" He asks, paying for our entry into the aquarium.
"I'm not sure, maybe a dolphin or somethin'," I shrug my shoulders.
"Wow, you need to figure that stuff out. You're missing so much in life,"
"Just cause I don't know my favorite animal means I'm missing on life?" I scoff.
"Yeah," he exclaims. "Someone one day is gonna ask your favorite animal and you won't know."
"No one cares what my favorite animal is, Luke," I chuckle.
"What's that supposed to mean? I care what your favorite animal is,"
"Never mind,"
It would be weird to say: no one cares what my favorite animal is because all I am to people is a stripper or a good fuck, nothing more, nothing less.
what's ur favorite animal?
today in class we were talking about elephants so I think that's my new favorite animal...
wanted to write this before I go embarrass myself in front of a ton of people at my chorus concert. my choir sucks so this is gonna be great...
thanks for reading and voting :-)