After work, I head over to the boys' house because Luke wanted to hang out with me and I'm spending the night because I have the rest of the week of work off, so I'll most likely hang out with the boys all week because I have no other friends.
I park my car, letting myself inside the house.
"Luke I swear to god-" Ashton yells before his body slams into me as he was running down the hallway.
"Sorry, Erin, Luke is being a little shit," Ashton apologizes before running after Luke.
I walk into the living room, setting my purse by the couch before sitting on it.
"Luke give me my underwear!" I hear Ashton yell from upstairs. I can't help it to laugh at their argument,
Ashton comes back downstairs, suitcase in tow.
"Where are you going?" I ask, referring to the bulky suitcase in his hand.
"Luke didn't tell you?"
"Tell me what?" I furrow my eyebrows.
"Lucas!" He yells.
"What!" He runs down the steps.
"You didn't tell Erin about what's happening?"
"Oh," he sighs. "Are you up for a road trip this weekend?"
"I have to work on Sunday," I groan.
"We'll be home by the time you have to go to work,"
"When are we leaving?" I ask, rolling my eyes.
"In about two hours,"
"Don't I need clothes and stuff?"
"We'll stop by your house so you can pack and we will head on our way," Luke explains.
"Can we leave now?"
"The boys have to pack,"
"Then I'll drive over with my car and you can pick me up at my house,"
"Okay, see you soon,"
"Can I go with you?" Ashton asks as I'm about to leave the house.
"Yeah," I agree, walking outside to my car.
I feel a hand on my ass, giving it a tight squeeze before moving to hang around my shoulder. I yelp at his action, smacking his chest.
"You just look so good in those jeans," Ashton licks his top lip before getting in the passenger seat of my car.
As I'm driving, Ashton puts his hand on the inside of my thigh, giving it a tight squeeze before drawing different patterns on my leg.
"You're very affectionate today,"
"What can I say? There is a hot piece of ass in my presence and I can't help myself,"
"Wow, nice compliment, you should work on those," I step out of my car once we make it to my house, unlocking my front door before making my way up to my room, Ashton following right behind me.
Once I make it to my room, I pull out a duffel bag and throw a few pairs of jeans, sweatpants and leggings in there. Making sure I have enough clothes to last four days and my toiletries, I zip up the duffel bag and flop down on my bed.
"Do you know where we're going on this adventurous road trip?" I sit up, looking at Ashton who is sitting next to me.
"No idea," he shrugs his shoulders.
I stand up to go fix my hair when I feel Ashton's hand pull me back down on the bed.
"Can we make out?"
"So subtle," I joke, biting my lip.
Ashton leans in, kissing my lips feverishly. I crawl into his lap, straddling his waist and putting my hands on his shoulders to balance us.
He puts his hands in the back pocket of my jeans, squeezing my ass while biting at my lip, making me moan which lets Ashton slip his tongue in my mouth.
I push him down on the bed, grinding my hips into his.
"Erin," he sighs, setting his hands on my hips.
I kiss down his neck, biting and sucking on his neck, leaving bruises and marks all along his throat and collarbones.
As I lean in to kiss him again, a knock at the door interrupts us.
"I'm gonna miss that for these four days," Ashton grins.
I pick up my duffle bag, pulling at Ashton's hand to peck his lips before we walk downstairs.
"Ready to go?" Luke asks me.
I nod my head, following Luke outside to his car in my driveway.
Luke gets in the drivers seat while I walk to the back seats with Ashton.
"Erin, you can get the back, back seats so you have room to sleep." Michael says as Ashton sits next to him, Calum in the passenger seat.
"Oh, okay," I mumble, taking my bags and I to the back seat to start this road trip.
"Do you request any artists for our journey, Erin?" Luke asks.
"Fall out Boy?" I say like I'm gonna say the wrong answer.
"Sure," he agrees, plugging his phone in the AUX cord, starting Centuries before pulling out of my driveway.
This chapter kinda just happened, this wasn't even in mind actually.
Peace out, broskis