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"Erin!" Ashton yells from my living room while I'm upstairs getting dressed.

"What!" I yell back.

He doesn't answer so I let out an exaggerated sigh before walking out of my room to stand at the top of the staircase. "What, Ashton!"

"Can you come down here?"

"Ugh, hold on!" I groan before stomping back into my room to throw on a random tshirt from my dresser and pajama before walking downstairs to the living room.

"Yes, Ashton," I ask, sitting on his lip and laying my head on his shoulder.

"What do you think about meeting my family today for dinner?" He looks down at me, raising his eyebrows.

"I'm all up for it, Ash, but when your mom asks what I do for a living what the hell am I going to say?"

"Who gives a shit? I barely even have a job, Erin. She won't care," he puts his forehead on mine.

"Yeah, you need to get a job, Ash,"

"Maybe I can join you on the pole,"

"Not talented enough,"

"You haven't seen my moves yet," he jokes as I get up to finish getting ready.

"Maybe you can show me them tonight," I wink at him before leaving the room.


Ashton told me we had to leave thirty minutes before the designated time we were supposed to be there because it took awhile. After we got dressed up all fancy and shit, we left the house.

Ten minutes into the drive Ashton starts getting very hand-sy, putting his hand on my exposed thigh, inching it up higher and higher, squeezing my thigh, and fiddling with the end of my skirt.

"Both hands on the wheel, Mister," I warn him, giving him a death stare when he takes a quick look at me.

"Can't be affectionate to my girlfriend?"

"Well I'm not in the mood to get in a reck because your hands are all over me,"

"Well have you seen yourself? You're gorgeous,"

I scoff before giving him a quiet thanks.

We get into a comfortable silence with the music playing in the background.

"So what are your parents names?"

"Um-my moms name is Anne,"

"What's your dads name?"

"Uh.. I don't think I've told you this, but my dad left me when I was two," he says quietly.

"Oh," I mumble, not sure what to say.

"I have two siblings-Harry and Lauren. They're ten and thirteen," he changes the topic.

I nod my head even though he is looking at the road and can't see me.


We make it to Ashton's moms house after a long drive there.

"Nice to meet you, Erin," Anne smiles at me.

"Nice to meet you too, Mrs. I-"

"Just call me Anne," she lets me and Ashton inside her house.

"So what's for dinner, mom?" Ashton asks, leading me into the living room.

"I just ordered Chinese if that's good with you two,"

"Yeah, that's fine," I smile at her before she leaves to the kitchen, leaving me and Ashton by ourselves.

"She's nice,"

Ashton just scoffs before grabbing the tv remote and turning it on.

He scoots closer to me, wrapping his arms around my shoulders, letting me lay my head on his shoulder.

"Ashton!" I hear a voice screech from the entryway.

We both look over at a young boy-who I'm assuming is his little brother, Harry.

"Harry!" Ashton smiles wide before walking over to him, hugging him tightly.

"Where have you been?" Ashton asks him.

"Soccer practice," Harry smiles widely as he talks to Ashton.

"Harry, this is my girlfriend, Erin," Ashton introduced me to Harry.

"Nice to meet you, Harry," I smile at the young boy in front of me.

He just smiled before he quickly walks away upstairs.


After we got our food, Harry, Ashton, Anne and I sat at the dinner table.

"Where's Lauren?" I ask before taking a sip of my drink.

"She is at a friends house working on a school project," Anne tells us.

"So, Erin, what do you do for a living? Are you still in school or..."

"Um I never went to college actually," I say, a bit intimidated because how the hell do I flat out say I'm stripper. "I just have an okay paying job until I figure out if I want to go to school or not."

That should be good enough.

"At least you have a job. Ashton over here h-"

"Mom! Can we not have this conversation again? I didn't go to school and I don't know what I want to do. It's as simple as that," Ashton interrupts her, slamming his fist on the table.

I scoot a bit closer to Ashton, grabbing his free hand under the table and intertwining our fingers together.

After we clean up the dinner table when we finish, me and Ashton say our goodbyes before heading back home.

"Sorry about my outburst, it's just she always brings up me not having a job every time I see her and it gets old after awhile,"

"I get it. It's okay," I grab Ashton's free hand while he's driving, kissing the back of his palm multiple times before setting it down on my thigh.

"But nice save, babe," Ashton smirks.

"Didn't know how else to say I'm a fuckin' stripper so I just decided to not say anything," I explain.

"It's fine. I love you just the way you are," he smiles at me for a split second before turning his head back on the road when the red light turns green.


this was long as hell shit


thank you guys for 14k reads and 730+ votes y'all are fucking ridiculous

school started(fml) so updates won't be as frequent as they were in the summer break

thank you for reading and don't forget you can comment all the time idc I just love reading ur comments so much so comment anything and everything idec ilyyyyyyy :-)))))

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