After work, I go into the changing room to grab my stuff before heading out the back door of the building to my car. I hop in, starting up the engine and driving the familiar route home.
When I park in my driveway, I text Ashton to tell him I just got home and to give me twenty minutes to get ready. I lock my car, running up the stairs to unlock my front door and dropping my bags by the door.
I run upstairs, immediately starting the shower and stripping down to nothing before stepping into the bathtub, letting the hot water hit my back first.
Once I'm finished washing my hair and body, I wrap my hair in a towel, grabbing clean underwear and bra, pulling them on and walking to my closet.
I pull out black skinny jeans, slashes up and down the thighs with a white, loose fitting, V-neck.
Letting my hair air dry, I apply makeup that isn't smudged from earlier or from the shower. I get too frustrated so I wipe it all off and restart again.
After finally finishing getting ready, I text Ashton to let him know I'm ready.
Ashton: already here
I grab my phone and purse, running down the stairs to open the front door and close it behind me, locking it and walking to the black SUV in my driveway.
"Hey, Erin," Luke smiles at me.
"Hi," I sigh, trying to catch my breath from running around.
During the car ride I just listen to Ashton and Calum argue about some shit I don't even bother to act like I care about.
I'm still confused on what me and Ashton are. Did we just kiss because? Does he like me? Do I like him? Does he just want me because of my body or does he genuinely have feelings for me?
I decide to get rid of those thoughts an enjoy a night out with my brother and his friends, and strangers in this crowded house I was escorted to. I stand by Luke's side, not wanting to get separated from him because I don't know anyone here and I'm quite the awkward person when it comes to meeting or talking to new people.
"Do you want something to drink?" Ashton asks from behind me.
"Um, yeah a beer is fine," I tell him, not turning around to look at him.
He walks in front of me to go to the kitchen with a ton of people in talking with red solo cups in there hands.
"Oh, is it okay if I go talk to someone? I saw a friend of mine," Luke yells over the music.
"Yeah," I lie.
I don't want to hold him back from talking to someone with his sister by his side all the time. I just don't want to be alone.
Maybe Ashton was right. I can't stand being alone.
Ashton soon walks back over, two beer bottles in his hand, he hands one of them to me and sips the other one in his hand.
"There playing a game downstairs, do you wanna go?" Ashton shouts over the loud speaks blaring music.
"Sure," I follow him downstairs.
I'm led to a group of people in a circle, one of them talking, I assume giving instructions. The basement has a big,long couch in the middle and a pool table near it along with a bar.
"Who's up for a came of Suck and Blow?" The boy yells from the circle.
Idk what to say lol
Thanks for reading!!!!