Coming back to work the next day was a routine but today I was more excited. I was just hoping Ashton would come back.
I pull on the outfit for the day, doing my hair and makeup before going out to the platform, having a later shift then I've had.
Today I got to sleep in till 3 PM and come in by 6 I have to stay here until 2 AM but I'm used to it. I do the same thing everyday, it's nothing new.
Going out onto the platform, doing my job, as usual. Nothing new; college kids coming in after school, drinking, partying, nothing new at all.
"Thought I wouldn't show up." I hear a husky voice behind me.
I pause before turning around, seeing Ashton in a leather jacket and dark jeans, hair disheveled.
"Wasn't even thinking about that." I continue sliding up and down the pole as Ashton sits down in front of my platform.
"Do you have anything better to do?" I ask him.
"I could ask the same to you." I raises his eyebrows at me.
I bite my lip, not trying to take it the wrong way but it makes me feel like an idiot inside. He may not mean that having this job is worse than something else but I take it that way and don't talk to him the rest of the night.