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Once I get changed, I sit next to Ashton on the couch as he goes through the movies on Netflix.

"What movie do you want to watch?" He asks me, stopping to looks at me for an answer.

"I've wanted to see Stuck In Love but haven't had time," I shrug.

"Never heard of it," He looks back at the tv, searching for the movie.

"We don't have to watch i-"

"It's fine," he assures me. "it sounds good and I'm being a gentlemen so let's watch it." He smiles at me, grabbing two furry, soft blankets and setting them on our bodies.

I move around a bit to get comfortable, finally finding a good position and focusing on the movie in front of us.

About 45 minutes into the movie, I feel my eyes get tired, letting them droop down as I fall asleep.


I feel myself being picked up but I don't dare move because this is one of the best sleeps I've had in awhile.

I groan a bit, hearing someone shush me quietly.

The person eventually lays me down somewhere more comfortable, covering my body with a thick comforter.

I pull my legs up to my chest, snugging into the soft sheets and nice smelling pillow.

"Good night, Erin." I hear an all too familiar voice.

Then I remember, I'm at Ashton's house.


I eventually wake up, looking at my surroundings, not too familiar with them but I remember I was at Ashton's house watching a movie.

I sit up on my elbows, scanning the bedroom. No one is in the room or on the bed next to me.

Once I crawl out of the bed, I check my appearance in the mirror to make sure I look suitable and I exit the bedroom, finding my way to the stairs.

I hear lots of talking and an announcer coming from the television.

As I hit the bottom steps, I see Ashton by the kitchen counter, making what looks like eggs and bacon. He is wearing grey joggers and a maroon top with his hair a mess on the top of his head.

"Oh, hi, Erin," Ashton chirps, flashing me a smile before continuing to cook the food.

"Good morning." I greet him, sitting behind the counter on a bar stool.

"I'm making food if you want some, I don't know if you are a morning breakfast person." He shrugs, putting the eggs on a plate.

"I'll eat them since you made them, they look good."

"This is about the only thing I can make." He trails off.

I chuckle, eating the plate of eggs and bacon that Ashton sat in front me.

"I'm sorry I fell asleep on you." I apologize.

"It's okay, I'm sure you were tired since you just got off work." He assures me.

I nod, continuing to eat my food, occasionally taking a sip of the orange juice Ashton gave me.

"Do you have work tonight?" Ashton asks.

"Yeah from 5 to 11."

"Oh, okay." He takes a sip from his water bottle, leaning against the counter.

He looks so god damn hot right now. I can see the outline of his abs through his shirt and his muscles are flexing when he moves his arms that are balancing against the counter. I need to stop staring but when you have someone so hot in front of you, you can't help to stare. You need to take in everything when a hot person doesn't come around often.

"Are you able to drive me home?" I ask, looking anywhere but him.

"Right now?"

"Whenever you need to but I have to get ready for work so around 3."

"What do you want to do till then?"


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