Chapter 4:A Nightmare Chat

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(Picture up top is from me. The drawing and art is by me. The reason I did draw the legs is because I didn't really need getting stress over legs(my weakness-) so here we are. Marcy belong to Amphibia that belong to Matt Braly. Addie belong to Iliketodraw2007 (haven't draw the character yet, cause I'm still waiting for them to answer. Addie have orange hair and yellow skin(that's all they put) so please don't think that I'm being bias, I'm not. I just need to know if it is ok to draw their character with their permission. Bramble belong to FlameBabyRuby )

Back in the Toad Tower..well..WAS toad tower. Nightmare and the shadow army claim it and change it to the Shadow Tower, which was a temporary place before they attack Newtopia. "'s the two prisoners?" Nightmare asks, walking with one of their guards, Addie, a shadow newt. "Oh! They're doing great, the toad is always so grumpy and so sassy..but the human is VERY fun to hang out! She knows a lot too! Her name is Marcy Wu!" Addie said in excitement and smiling at them. "Marcy Wu?...tell me..did she tell you anything important?" Nightmare asks, looking at her and keep walking through the halls. "Oh yeah! The blonde one is name Sasha Waybright and the other one is Anne Boonchuy, her best friends!" Addie said, smiling and chuckle. "Ok..Addie, good work, I'll be talking to Marcy Wu...maybe she will give us answers" Nightmare said, before walking to the dungeon and open the door.

Marcy was sitting down on the ground inside of a cell, before hearing the door open. "Alright..Marcy's time to talk...I'm guessing you used the music box to get here..I mean..we DID had the talk...just be glad your friends don't know that you're the one...who gave it to me" Nightmare said, smirking and walk over to the cell. "You tricked me! You lied to me! You never say anything about ruling over Amphibia!" Marcy said, trying to get out, but her hands were chain up together to the ground, "You promise that everything will go all perfectly fine, but you lied!!" She yells with tears in her eyes. She never wanted this..she just..didn't wanna to be alone. "Don't worry..after I rule will all go back home..I'm keeping my promise...beside...this what's best" Nightmare said, turning around and is about to leave the room.

"Why?! Why DO you wanna rule Amphibia? Did it do to you? Did you have friends who cared about you? Were you looking for powers?" Marcy asks, which Nightmare glare before slam their fist onto the cell hard. "NEVER MENTION THEM EVER!!!!!!!! THEY NEVER CARED ABOUT ME!!!!! THEY NEVER DID!!!!!! THEY LEFT ME TO DIED!!!!!! I'M IN THIS MESS BECAUSE OF THEM!!!!!! THEY BETRAY ME!!!! BOTH OF THEM!!!!! THEY WILL PAY FOR WHAT THEY DID!!!! I'M THIS BECAUSE OF THEM!!!!!!!!" They shouts before screaming in rage and begin to repeating punching a piece of the wall, which Marcy watches in fear and backs up.

After a few minutes, Nightmare finally come down and have a big bruise on their fist. They take a deep breath before exhaling. "NEVER mention them again...Wu...." They said, before leaving the room. "My everything ok?" Bramble awkwardly asks, clearly doesn't know how to help. "Just memories....memories of how I become this...nightmare...." Nightmare said, sighing. "If I could did you got your name?..." Bramble asks, gulping. "It's all started back in 1980's...back when I was..Claire Jeffer.." Nightmare said.

(DUM DUM DUM! Cliffhanger! Don't worry. The next chapter is a flashback chapter so don't be too upset. Also hope you like this and stay safe)

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