Chapter 10:A Cost for Saving

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(Picture above is from Turning Point. All I did was edit so she have the scar and glowing pink eyes(half way). Bramble belong to FlameBabyRuby )

Through the bushes, through the cloudy sky, through the woods. Sasha was running fast as she can..she didn't want to get the Plantars hurt..even if she was with them for a few days..she was beginning to actually care about them. She soon burst into the Mill House to find her sword on the ground, but no Plantars. 'That Nightmare jerk is gonna pay for everything...' she thoughts, before grabbing her sword and begin to run outside to find the Plantars. "Let us go now!!!" Polly yells, trying to break free from the rope that Hop Pop, Sprig, and Polly were tied up. "For the last time, kid, I won't..ugh! When will this human arrived?" Bramble asks, sharpening their dagger.

"BRAMBLE!!!!!!! YOU BETTER GIVE THEM BACK!!!!!" Sasha yells with anger in her eyes. Suddenly, her eyes glow pink half way, before grabbing her sword and begin to attack Bramble, who barely dodges the attack. "Not bad for a just relax and calm down...I wanna make a deal with you..or should I say..THEY want to make a deal with you?" Bramble asks, before a portal appear which Nightmare walk out of the portal and fix their hair, "Why hello there, Sasha Waybright..finally nice to meet in person...well..without fighting that is" They said, before leaning against the tree.

"Let them go or else!" Sasha said, holding her sword and glaring at them. "Relax, kid, not here to fight...just to make a deal...I COULD let them go..but with a come with me and be my prisoner and in return, I'll set them free" Nightmare calmly said, looking at the angry blonde strength gay girl. Sasha begin to calm down before her eyes went back to normal, "You'll let Marcy, Grime, and Anne go right?" She asks. "Nah...rather them, the Plantars, or none..." Nightmare said, smirking and looking at Hop Pop, "Been a while..haven't it, Hopediah?" They asks, chuckling. "Claire, look..what she did to you was wrong, but I didn't know about it" Hop Pop said, which Nightmare growls at the name, "THE NAME IS NIGHTMARE NOW!!!" They snaps which they soon got tackled by Sasha.

"This ends now!!! You are NOT hurting anyone else!!" Sasha yells, with her eyes turning pink half way. "You little brat!!" Nightmare yells, before blasting Sasha down to the ground, "Sasha!!" The Plantars yells, but Sasha gets up and begin to grabs her sword and begin to attack Nightmare. The two begin to have a fight off which Sasha dodging most of their attacks. "Tsk, dodging attacks? Is that all you got? Remember the last time you tried that? Didn't Anne slash that little eye of yours?" Nightmare asks, smirking, which Sasha growls and begin to run behind Nightmare before using her sword to slash them, but Nightmare already grab the sword and begin to shatter it.

"You think I would let you destroy me, Strength?" Nightmare asks, before kicking Sasha down to the ground hard, "Tsk...come on, let's go" They said, before Sasha shakes in anger. "WAIT!!!! I-I.....surrender...just..let the Plantars go" She said shakily, which Nightmare smirks. "Bramble...let them's about time, the Strength gives up" They said, which Bramble nodded and begin to use their dagger to cut the rope. "Sasha..." Hop Pop quietly said, which Sasha weakly smiles at the Plantars, "Stay safe for me ok?" She asks, before Bramble tied Sasha's hands which them, Sasha,  and Nightmare went through the portal which closes after they left. "What should we do now?..." Sprig asks, before seeing a letter and read it. "Sasha wrote this before she got here...says...get to the rebellion the deepest forest near a small grey cave" He said.

(Here we are. I was gonna finish this last night, but got tired and went to sleep. Anyways hope you enjoy this and the next chapter will have Marcy and Sasha because we miss Marcy

Have a good day)

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