Chapter 6:A Repeat Event

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(Picture above is from me. Anne's position is from True Colors and Sasha's position is from Toadcatcher. The two frog solider that will be seen in the end are from Hoodies18 )

Trigger Warning:Bit of Blood)

It been a few days, since the Plantars and Sasha got to the Mill House and ever since then, Sasha had to learn what it's like living with the Plantars..which means a lot of farming, rules, and strange enough..Polly got her legs since just day 1 of being at the Mill House completely. Now it's late morning and Sasha was training as usual, before she kick a dummy of Nightmare down and aim her sword at it. "Sheez, Sasha, calm down, we haven't had a shadow attack ever since the fire. You can just relax" Sprig said, who was relaxing with Polly...who is bragging about her legs, "Yeah, beside those shadows won't stand a chance against MY LEGS!!!" She yells with a crazy laugh.

"So what if we haven't had any attacks for a few days? Nightmare is still out there and they still have Anne in their control...I can't rest til I know it's safe...I've learned that from Grime" Sasha said, before grabbing a washcloth and begin to clean her sword. "She does got a point, kids, you don't know when something is gonna happen...anyways, if you need me, I'll go and get some fruits and vegetables for lunch" Hop Pop said, before Sasha stops him all of a sudden. "Sorry, old man, but I can't let you three go anywhere away from this house. Nightmare would probably capture you guys and it's my job to make sure you guys are safe..I'll go get the adult have to watch his grandchildren" Sasha explained. "Alright then..but if you do come back with the fruits and vegetables, don't eat them til I check them..some of them could be poison" Hop Pop said which Sasha nodded, before grabbing her sword, putting it in the holder and walk off to get the foods.

Sasha walks through the woods while using her sword to cut down vines and branches that are out of the way. She couldn't think anything else, other than trying to find a way to stop Nightmare, 'Maybe if don't know their location...and we're definitely out number...the frogs can barely fight....' She keep thinking. All of a sudden, Anne jumps out of the bushes, but Sasha move out of the time and looks surprise, "A-Anne?!" She asks, before Anne grabs her own sword and glares at Sasha. "Still under control huh?....Anne, I don't wanna fight you, but you're giving me no choice!" Sasha said, before tearing up a bit and begin to charge at Anne with her sword, which Anne block the attack with her sword.

The two then starting to sword fight around the area. It was mostly Sasha blocking and dodging Anne's attacks, but she have to come up with an attack plan soon. Anne smirks, before beginning to push Sasha back and runs behind her, which Sasha was getting her balance and begin to turn around to see Anne using her sword to slash her eye. "AH CRUD!!!!!" Sasha yells in pain, before dropping her sword and covering the injured eye with both of her hands...didn't had enough time to back up from that attack. Soon Anne begin to kick Sasha down which Sasha fall off of a cliff that was nearby them, but she used a dagger(hidden dagger cause you know she would) to stab the ground and holding the dagger...making sure holding onto the dagger and is hanging off of the cliff which had a rough river below it.

Anne soon walks over to Sasha and looks down at her. "A-Anne help! Anne please! I-I'm begging you! I-I know you're there! Please! Snap out of it and help me!" Sasha yells, trying to used the dagger to get up, but the cliff was slippy and rocky, "Anne please!!" She said. Anne looks at Sasha, before stepping on her hand which Sasha yelp in pain and looks at Anne all terrified. "You had your chance to redeem tell me...why should I help a horrible traitor like you?" Anne asks, before kicking her hand off of the cliff, turning around, before looking back at Sasha falling. "AAAAANNNNNNNNEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Sasha yells, before falling into the water.

 "AAAAANNNNNNNNEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Sasha yells, before falling into the water

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(Art is by me. Anne's position is from True Colors, and Sasha's position is from Reunion
Does it look familar? >:3)

About a few seconds, Sasha was able to get out of the water and onto shore which she gasp and cough out the water. She pants, before feeling doozy and begin to lay down on the ground, passing out. "Hey! Hey! Daisy! I found someone! It's one of those creatures!" A frog, with red skin with yellow arms and legs, brown hair in a messy bun, who's wears a silver chestplate over a white button-up shirt with short sleeves and black pants, said. The red frog looks at Sasha and check her pulse, "Yep! Still alive!!" She said. "Mari..we shouldn't take it with could be an solider from the Shadow Tower.." a frog, with very light grey skin with light grey splotches, brown hair in a braid which daisies are in her braid and the braid ends at her knees, said.

"Come on! Look at her, she doesn't have a moon crescent symbol on her! Plus she have a bleeding eye! Don't you wanna help her?" Marigold asks, looking at Daisy who just sigh. "Ok ok fine..we'll...take her to the hideout and see what the rebels think" she said,which Marigold hugs Daisy, "Thank you, Daisy!" She said. Daisy just blushes and just nodded. Soon they both pick up Sasha and carry back to their hideout.

(Finally! Spend 6 hours on everything for this. Gonna take a break til I closed the forms, so it'll be official of it. Remember, you still have til Monday to get in

Have a good day and hope you enjoy)

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