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(Don't mind me-just the trio being gays and worrying)

Few hours later, Sasha hearing a beeping monitor going on, before waking up and shield her eyes from the light with her hand. "S-Sasha! You're awake!" Anne said, before she and Marcy hugs Sasha which she hugs them back gently. "A-Are you ok?....you're not in pain much right?" Marcy asks, looking worry. "Y-Yeah...just sore, but I'm ok..what about you two and everyone else?...and please tell me that Grime...isn't really dead..." Sasha said, which Anne and Marcy looks at each other, "Everyone else is ok..Nightmare is defeated for good...but..Grime did died....I'm..sorry, Sash" Anne said softly.

Sasha begins to tears up, which Marcy and Anne hugs and comfort her. "We're here, Sash...we're all here for you" Marcy said. "Thank you...hey girls...I-I know this probably be a bad timing...but I love you both!.." Sasha said, blushing a lot. Suddenly Marcy and Anne both kisses Sasha's cheeks which Sasha blushes even more which Anne and Marcy blushes and softly chuckles. "We..love you too" Anne said, blushing nervously. "Yeah! And look at us! Now a love trio!" Marcy said, chuckling. Sasha was still dying from the gayness.

Soon the scene ends, which Sasha pulls up the screen. "And THAT'S how we save Amphibia! You're welcome!" Sasha said. "Sash, we all know of it, we were there, remember?" Anne asks, who was sitting down with Marcy, "Yes, but it's a crazy adventure!" Marcy said, giggling. "An adventure that only happened about a month ago" Sprig said. "Still happen!" Polly said, chuckling. Sasha smiles at the scene, before grabbing a bouquet of flowers and begin to walk outside. There, she walks to a tombstone which has Grime's name on it.

Sasha tears up, before putting the bouquet next to the tombstone. "It was great serving you...." She said, wiping her tears, but softly smiles and begin to sit down next to the tombstone and looks at the sky.

The End

(Hope you enjoy this book of angst and battles! Anyways big thanks to Hoodies18 , FlameBabyRuby , Iliketodraw2007 , and Blueberry_Sundae2115 for the help by making their characters.

Thanks for reading and have a good day)

The Purple War(Amphibia AU fanfic)(Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now