Chapter 12:Confrontation

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(Picture is by me. I didn't have time to draw so here some texts inside-

Also Emma belong to Blueberry_Sundae2115
Meadow belong to Hoodies18 )

It been ten minutes, since Sasha was locked up in an empty room..waiting for Nightmare about this talk. Soon the door opens, which reveled Nightmare walking inside and begin to close the door. "What did you do to Marcy?! Where is Anne?! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?!" Sasha snaps, growling at them and try to break the chains. "Relax, child, not gonna hurt them..Marcy is getting a small price for dealing with me..Anne is in guard duty and let's just say..this is a revenge...but you can join me" Nightmare said, smirking which Sasha's eyes went wide, "W-What?.." she asks.

"Oh please, Anne told me about your little..plan of attacking Newtopia..and I must say, I'm very impressed by the leadership you have why not be my co-leader? Together, we can rule Amphibia together..and NOBODY IS GONNA STOP US!! it's like..a small alliance between you and me. Think of all the fun, we were have...much better than hiding in the shadows right?" Nightmare asks. Sasha looks away and begin to growl a bit, "You think I would join someone who tricked my friend?!" She asks. "But are you the one who did the same? Tricking your friends to thinking they could trust you again..just to destroy that trust in the end?" Nightmare asks, walking around Sasha.

"I've changed!...sure, I'm a mess!...and yes..I deserve the hate..but seeing the actions of what happen..I can't let you take over Amphibia!!" Sasha yells, growling before Nightmare smirks and boop her nose, "Such an blonde with angry issues" they said. "I don't have-nevermind! point is that I'm not gonna give up just to join your side! I'm gonna save Marcy and Anne!" Sasha snaps. "UGH! Why won't you give up already?!" Nightmare snaps, which Sasha growls even more, "BECAUSE I LOVE THEM BOTH!!!!!" She yells. Nightmare snaps before slamming Sasha into a wall hard, "LOVING YOUR CLOSEST FRIENDS IS JUST A WASTE OF TIME!!!! ONCE YOU LOVE THEM!! YOU WOULDN'T KNOW HOW MUCH IT HURTS WHEN THEY BETRAY YOU!!!!" They snaps, throwing Sasha into the wall, before leaving the room. Sasha looks at the door before blacking out.

Meanwhile, the Plantars were walking around the forest, before seeing a small cave that have Joe inside. "Is this it?" Polly asks, before they hear rambling in the bushes. The Plantars get ready, before Frobo walks out of the bushes, "Frobo! I miss you so much!" Polly said, hugging him which Frobo hugs back. "Who's there?!" A pink frog with puffy short blonde hair asks, aiming a sword at the Plantars, "Woah woah..sorry! We're...the Plantars! I'm Hopediah, this is Sprig, and this is Polly" Hop Pop said, putting his hands up. "The Plantars?...Hey Captain...The Plantars are here" The frog said.

Soon Meadow walks in. "Good work, Emma..Ahem..I-I'm Meadow...Sasha told me a b-bit about you guys..this is Emma, a newest member of the resistance" She shyly said. "Nice to meet you, Meadow and Emma..we need help, Sasha been captured" Hop Pop said. "I see..follow me..we will explain our plan" Meadow said, as the rest begin to follow her.

(Done! And next Chapter is probably be a crazy one..anyways. Have a good day and hope you enjoy)

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