Chapter 9:The Purple Crystal

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(Picture above is from me. Meadow, Daisy, and Marigold are by Hoodies18

And a head ups. There's gonna be gay vibes from Daisy and Marigold)

The four begin to sneak out of the hideout and begin to sneakily walk into a small cave, since their hideout is in the deepest woods, there was a small cave nearby. "Hope this works...I'll feel so stupid if this doesn't.." Sasha said, before whistling for Joe Sparrow, but nothing, she did it again which Joe Sparrow soon flys to them and nuzzle Sasha. "Hey..Joe..if I'm correct..nice to meet you again..been days huh? Glad you're ok" She said, patting Joe Sparrow on the head. "Awwww! You have a bird?" Marigold asks, smiling in amaze. "Huh? Oh no, this is my friend, Marcy's bird..can't believe you're ok, Joe..we need your help..we need you to take us the entrance of the Olms" Sasha said which Joe nodded.

Soon they were in the sky with Joe carrying them. "Can't believe we're flying!!" Marigold said, which Daisy hold her close. "Just....careful...don't wanna let you fall" Daisy said, blushing. 'These frogs are gay, good for them, good for them' Sasha thoughts, looking at the two frogs. Joe soon land which the four get off of him, "Thanks, go and hide..til I'll whistle for you.." Sasha said, patting him gently. "Stay put....we don't know when they'll show up..." Meadow said quietly, before they hear rambling which Lysil and Angwin appears. "I smell..two frogs, a newt, and a blonde creature with anger issues" Lysil said, sniffing the air. "I don't have-nevermind, look, we don't know you and you don't know us, but we need help..there's this human name Nightmare and we-" "NIGHTMARE?! How did they escape the crystal?!" Lysil yells, irrupting Sasha, before Angwin smack her, "You idiot! Don't tell them!" He said.

"Hey! You two focus or else! We need answers!! We need to find this Mother of Olms, but I bet she's probably dead" Daisy said, rolling her eyes. "Actually she's alive...if it is serious....fine...but don't expect anything else" Angwin said, before the twins shows them their home...Proteus. "Woah! This is amazing!" Marigold said, smiling and jumping a bit, which Daisy blushes and smile at Marigold. Meadow softly smile at the two frogs which Daisy notices, "You saw nothing" she said. "Ahem! What is going on?! Why are you two here?! I banish you two!" A pale-orange Olm shows up and glare at the the twins. "Well, yes, but...Parisia..we have a serious issue....THEY are back" Angwin said which almost all of the Olms gasp. "Wait you guys know N-I mean..them?" Sasha asks, looking confused. "As much as we don't trust you creatures....they are dangerous...Mother will explain everything" Parisia said in a serious tone.

After a bit, they soon reach the room..where there's a gong in the room. "Yelp, I'm out" Daisy said, turning around, but Meadow grabs her, "Oh no you don't" She said. Marigold begin to hit the gong, which soon Mother Olm appear out of the cracks, "Who's there that summons me?" She asks. Sasha begin to clear her throat, " Waybright here....and this is Meadow, and the two gay frogs, Daisy and Marigold" she said which both of them blushes. "A human.....haven't smell a human ever since 1980's...back when there was a threat name Nightmare" Mother Olm explains, which Sasha's eyes went wide, "Tell us about them! We need to know their weakness or my friends will be in more danger!" Sasha said, snapping a bit, but soon calm down.

"Right right...just give me a second" Mother Olm said, clearing her throat before grabbing her tea and begin to pour it into a cup and begin to drink it. "Ok ok ok...Ahem....long time ago, there were three humans, Lily, Belle, Claire...and within the three, each of them hold a stone power:Wit, Heart, and Strength. One day, the Heart got corrupted by some unknown darkness that turns them into the Nightmare...but the two humans were already gone by that the Nightmare swears to take over was a tough battle, but without their powers, we were able to banish them into a dark purple crystal...but now they somehow escape" Mother Olm explains.

"The music box...." Sasha mumbles, which the four looks at Sasha, "Nightmare is using the music box and giving powers from it!" She said. "The music box...they must had stolen it from one of your other friends..but there is a might not destroy the music box, but you CAN destroy the dark crystal. It would destroy their powers" Mother Olm said. "But we don't know where their location is and where the dark crystal is" Meadow said. "Yet..we don't know YET! Marcy and Grime are in there, captured, if we go and free them, maybe they know where it is. Thank you, Mother Olm...this means a lot to us" Sasha said. "It's no problem, my go...go it me or do I hear like..screeching?...just me?..oh ok then" Mother Olm said, which the four just shrugs in confusion.

Soon, the four were riding on Joe back to the hideout. When they head back, Sasha made sure that Joe stays at the nearby cave just in case. "Captain! There's a letter for the human" a newt guard said, giving the letter to Meadow who soon give it to Sasha. She begin to open the letter before reading it...but she soon drops it and glares, "They got the Plantars....I'm going to save them...keep an eye on Joe while I'm gone" She said, clenching her fist before walking off.

(BUM BUM BUM! Hope you like it. I promise I can try posting Chapter 10 up today-

Have a good day)

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