Chapter 11:Sorrowful Regret

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(Picture above is from me. I have to used the images for the eyes. Sasha's eye position is from Turning Point and Marcy's eye position is from True Colors. Addie belongs to Iliketodraw2007

Warning:Angst cause I love angst. Also mention of dying and what happen back in the toad tower in reunion.(no one died!))

Back in the Shadow Tower, Marcy was getting a bit bored while trying to pick the lock with her mouth holding her green hairpin, but keep failing. "Hey Marcy! You got a new cell mate!" Addie said, before opening the cell door which Nightmare pushes Sasha down to the ground and they begin to used magic to chain her hands up, "Have fun, Strength" They said before leaving with Addie. "S-Sasha!!!" Marcy said, getting up before trying to get to her, but yelp in surprise, since her hands are still chain up to the wall, which she trips and fall down, "I'm ok!.." she said in pain. "It's great to see you again too! Are you ok? Are you hurt? They didn't hurt you right?" Sasha asks, looking at Marcy with a worry look on her face.

"I'm ok, I'm ok...but what about you? How did you got that scar?" Marcy asks, looking at Sasha's new scar which Sasha sigh and sits down, "Me and Anne...mind control into a battle and...I wasn't fast enough to dodge" She said. Marcy looks down before sitting up and sigh, "I'm sorry...." She mumbles. "For what? didn't do anything wrong.." Sasha asks, which Marcy tears up more, "I'm the one who brought us here! I'm the one who gave that box to Nightmare! I-I didn't know this will happened! I-I...I'm so sorry! family was gonna leave out of state a-and...they were about to tear us apart!....I-I didn't wanna to be separate from you two b-because...I-I.....I....I don't wanna say goodbye..." Marcy snaps, confessing everything.

Sasha's eyes went wide as she begin to connect the dots about Marcy was the one that suggested of getting the Marcy was left alone when Nightmare appeared. "Why?!....just why?!....ugh! I was so stupid! Thinking all of this was m-my fault!....I can't believe this!....why would you give a monster the box?!" She snaps a bit, before leaning against the wall and begin to get all flustered up. Marcy looks away with tears and sigh, "I-I know you won't forgive me...but...I didn't know this would happen..they told me that if I gave them the box and helped them be set and Anne would be back home" She said.

There was silent for a long second, before Sasha sigh, "I'm not mad...I-I'm just hurt..but...I-I'm also thankful...if you didn't..I wouldn't found out how much damage I caused you and Anne for years...being in selfish am I....hah....I honestly thought I was gonna died.....back in Toad Tower...back when I had to fight Anne near a waterfall....maybe I should had.." She said, before starting to tears up a lot and try to stop herself from crying. "S-Sasha! Don't you say that! I care about you! Me and Anne both do! Please, don't EVER say that or even think of that please!....I-I don't wanna loose you!" Marcy said in tears. "T-Thank you...Marcy..I-I really needed that" Sasha said softly.

Suddenly Marcy hiss in pain when she feel a small burn on her arm. "Marcy! Are you ok?!" Sasha asks, which Marcy just nodded, "Yeah..I've been getting small purple spots for a while..and I think it had to do with the deal...but I don't know how to get rid of it" She said. "The Purple Crystal...if we destroy will destroy their magic...tell me..have you seen a crystal around here?" Sasha asks which Marcy shakes her head no. "Ahem..Sorry about the irruption, but I have to bring Sasha to the highness..they wanna talk to her" Addie said, before taking Sasha out of the cell and close the cell door again. Sasha and Marcy looks at each other with fear, before Sasha was taking away.

(I am done-I am tired-see ya in the next chapter

Hope you enjoy and stay safe)

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