Chapter 3:Burning Flames

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(Picture on top is from me. I kinda edit it since I'm in school and can't draw in school cause classes- so the edits is by me. Sasha's position is from true colors and the BFF photo is from Anne Or Beast. All of the characters belong to Matt Braly, but Bramble belong to FlameBabyRuby and this AU belong to me

(Bramble's looks)

They uses they/them pronouns so be respect)

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They uses they/them pronouns so be respect)

-Third POV-

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. It's all Sasha could hear from the silent....the silent of the Planters' basement..or Anne's room to be only been two hours ever since what happen....ever since that crazy monster took Anne, Marcy, and Grime away. All Sasha could do is just...looking at the ceiling..getting any ideas...any hopes...any plans....she sigh in frustration, before getting up and walks upstairs to the kitchen. "You're awake?...thought I was the only one.." Sprig said, ending the silent. "Pink F-I mean...Sprig....thinking about..what happen?" Sasha asks, looking at him and leaning against the wall. "Yeah...couldn't sleep well after what here to get water" Sprig said, pouring water onto his cup.

", this is so awkward" Sasha said with an awkward quiet laugh which Sprig quietly snicker to the awkwardness in the room. "Ahem...what I meant to say is....I'm sorry...for..the whole..tower incident..but I promise you..we will stop the monster and get Anne, Grime, and Marcy back..look..I don't like you and you don't like me..but..Anne is important to you..and..her, Marcy, and Grime are important to me.." Sasha said, before pouring herself a glass of water and drink it, "So......a truce?" She asks. Sprig looks at his cup, before drinking it a bit and sigh, "Alright's a truce" he said.  Sasha smile softly at Sprig, before seeing a dark gray toad with a torch outside. "Sprig! Wake up Hop Pop and Polly now!" She said, before grabbing her sword and begin to run outside.

The shadow toad begin to look for an easy place before beginning to throw the torch onto the ground, letting it burn. "HEY!! What are you doing?! And who are you?!" Sasha yells, glaring at the toad and gets ready to attack. "Captain Bramble and what I'm doing is none of your business, human!" Bramble said, before grabbing their dagger. "This ends now!!!!!!" Sasha yells, before charging at them which Bramble quickly dodges and begin to kick her down. "FIRE!! THERE'S A FIRE!!!!" Wally yells very loudly which the townspeople starting to wake up. "Your choice, human, them or me" Bramble said, before running off which Sasha watches them run off, before putting her sword back into its' holder and run to the Plantars.

"Guys! Guys!" Sasha yells, running inside of the house, but doesn't see anyone, "Sprig! Hop Pop! Polly! Where are you?! It's me, Sasha!" She yells, running down to the basement, which she see the BFF photo getting burned. "No no no no no no!" She yells, trying to stop the fire, but couldn't. She begin to cough a bit, before running back upstairs and out of the house..away from the fire. "Sasha! There you are! Wally say there's a fire! We got to get out of here!" Hop Pop said, running to her with Sprig and Polly. "BUT....the exit is block by collapse stuff!!" Polly yells, coughing a bit. Sasha coughs, before seeing another exit, "Got an idea! Hold on!" She said, picking the Plantars up and begin to carry them to the exit in a fast pace.

Soon they were out of Wartwood..away from the fire. "Our home...." Polly said, looking at the flames in Wartwood. "Where are we gonna live now?!" Hop Pop asks which Sasha just look at the flames before sighing. "I-I know a's'll help us for now" she said, turning around and looks at the fire one more time before leaving with the Plantars. "I hope the other townspeople are ok..I hope Ivy is ok" Sprig said, looking worried and begin to yawns out of nowhere and so did Polly. Sasha looks at the two, before picking them up, "Ok you and Hop Pop will wake you two up when we get there" She said, but Sprig and Polly were already asleep by the time she say that which Sasha softly smile and begin to walk with Hop Pop.

Hours later, they arrived at the Mill House, where Sasha and Grime used to stayed, before planning..or planned to take over Newtopia. The sunrise was slowly going up as Sasha take a look to see the sun's still yellow. 'At least..that's good..for now' She thought, before putting Sprig and Polly down on the three soft heavy bags. "Ok, Old man...get some rest...I'll watch over the house ok?" She asks, before turning to see Hop Pop sleeping on the floor. She sigh before putting Hop Pop next to Sprig and Polly, then she sit down against the wall and sigh. "Don't worry, Marcy, Grime, and Anne....we'll find a way....somehow..." She said, before dozing off to sleep.

(Hope you enjoy and hope you like long chapter lol)

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