Chapter 15:The Last Stand(Part 2)

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(Picture is by me. Took me a while to finally get the hands right(like 20 minutes-). As usually, Marigold, Daisy, and Meadow belong to Hoodies18 . Bramble belong to FlameBabyRuby . Addie belong to Iliketodraw2007 . And Emma belong to Blueberry_Sundae2115 .

Trigger Warning:Blood, Dea-just kidding, ain't nobody dying this one

Also gayness between the two gay frogs)

"You're...gonna pay...FOR EVERYTHING!!!!!" Calamity Sasha yells, before charging at Nightmare and super punch them to the ground, "YOU KILLED HIM!!!! YOU KILLED SOMEONE I LOOKED UP TO AS A FATHER!!!! I WILL MAKE YOU PAY!!!!!" She yells, beginning to tackled Nightmare down. Bramble grabs their dagger, and begin to charge at Sasha, but Meadow and Anne block their path, "If you wanna get to her! You have to get through this!" Anne said, before attacking them with her sword, which Bramble dodges in time. Emma begin to attack Addie, who block with her swords and begin to attack back. The rest begin to attack the shadows.

Daisy and Marigold look at each other, before nodding which the two begin to fight together against the a group of shadows. Daisy shoot an arrow at a Shadow Toad, which Marigold turns around and uses her double-wield spear to block the Shadow Toad's attack from hitting Daisy. "Nice block!" Daisy said, before kicking the Shadow Toad, which Marigold blushes and smile, "Awww thanks" She said. Marcy was using her crossbow to shoot a shadow, before hissing in pain and looking at her arm, which dark purple spots begin to grow more.

Nightmare was blasting Sasha, but Sasha keep dodging and begin to kick them down. "Awww, what's you gonna do, little Waybright? Kill me?" Nightmare asks, wiping the blood from their mouth. " much as I hate you...I'm not a monster like think that we're the same, but we're not...we were never the same" Sasha said, before Nightmare blast her unexpected which Sasha fall to the ground..turning back to normal. "Maybe you're're much weaker than I am..and I'm more stronger than you" They said, aiming at Sasha, before Marcy tackled Nightmare and try to get them away from Sasha. Anne begin to help Marcy, "Sasha!! Destroy the crystal now!!" Marcy said, before getting kicked by Nightmare.

Sasha looks around and sees the purple crystal. She begin to get all angry again, before turning on her calamity powers, "THIS ENDS NOW!!!!!" She yells, charging at the crystal and raises her fist. "DON'T YOU DARE!!!!!" Nightmare yells, getting Anne off of them, before aiming at Sasha. "NO!!" Anne yells, before Sasha throws a powerful punch at the crystal and Nightmare begin to blast Sasha at the same time.

Suddenly, there was a big explosion which everyone takes cover. Soon the moon turns back to the red moon and all the shadows had disappear. "We won!!" Polly yells as they all cheers in victory. "Yes!!" Marigold yells, before kissing Daisy's cheek which Daisy blushes a lot, "Oh sorry!..just wanted to do that for a while now" Marigold said, blushing, before Daisy quickly kisses her cheek and hold her hand, "I-I don't mind all" She said quietly. The purple mist begin to disappears(for now) and begin to go in hiding. Claire groans before getting up, "Why you little!" She yells, before Andrias grabs her, "You have a lot of time to think about what you did" He said which Claire gulps.

Anne softly groans while rubbing her head, before Marcy helps her up. "ANNE!!!" The Plantars yells, before hug tackles her down, "Guys!! You're ok!! You're all safe!" Anne said, tearing up and hugging back. "We're just glad you're safe, Anne" Hop Pop said, smiling. Marcy softly smile, before noticing the spots soon disappear, 'Look like the deal it off' she thoughts. "Hey...where's..." Anne asks, before she and Marcy turns around to see Sasha on the ground, passed out and bleeding out. "SASHA!!!!" Anne and Marcy yells, before running to her and Marcy checks her pulse.

"S-She's alive, but she won't last long!" Marcy said, which Anne tears up, "Do you know where the hospital is?!" She asks, which Marcy nodded. The two begin to carry Sasha and begin to run to the hospital as fast as they can.

(Cliff hanger(again >:3). Gonna work on the Epilogue aka the last chapter. Hope you enjoy and have fun)

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