Chapter 1:How did it all happen?

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-Third POV-

It was the night before the calamity trio have to go to Newtopia to finally go back home. Marcy, Anne, and Sasha were getting ready to go to bed. "I can't believe this! We're finally going back home!" Anne said in excitement, couldn't wait to go back home. "Y-Yeah, amazing isn't it? Hey....I have to talk to Grime for a bit ok?...I'll see you nerds in the morning" Sasha nervously said, before grabbing her stuff and walk off. "Hey don't think Sasha is trying to hide something right?" Anne asks, looking at Marcy for any advices. "Of course not! She is probably tired from today" Marcy said, smiling and stretching her arms...before tripping and falling on the floor. "I'm ok!" She said, giving a thumb up which Anne begin to help Marcy up and wiping the dust off of her. "I-I'm gonna have a talk with her..just in case" Anne said, sighing before walking off to find Sasha.

After a bit, Anne reaches the place where Sasha and Grime are staying at. Anne was about to knock on the door, but instead, she hears talking which she begin to take a peek by opening the door by JUST a little bit. "I'm telling you, Grime, I-I have to think about this.." Sasha said, looking at Grime who was sighing. "Well, you got a choice to make, Sasha! Rather we take down the king or cancelled it right now...I'm not forcing you...but this is the last chance to change your mind....this is the night before we take over" Grime said, looking up at Sasha who begin to think of her choices. "I KNEW IT! I knew you couldn't be trusted!" Anne yells, opening the door with tears in her eyes. "A-Anne?! I-I can ex-" "Forget it! I-I knew you were trouble ever since you came back...forget us....we're done...being friends.." Anne irrupted her, before tearing up and walk out.

-Sasha's POV-

"A-Anne wait!" I yell, beginning to run to Anne who stops and turn to face me. "I-I'm done with these lies, Sasha! I'm just done! I-I thought I could trust you......but instead I couldn't" Anne said, looking down onto the ground. "A-Anne...." I say, reaching my hand out to her..before Anne Yelp in surprise and fall to her knees. "A-ANNE! What happen?! Are you ok?! What's wrong?!" I ask in panic. Suddenly the sky somehow got more...purple?...I look up to see the moon is now purple instead of red. Soon I see..a floating unknown human in front of the moon. "LISTEN UP, EVERYONE!!! TONIGHT IS THE NIGHT WHERE I WILL TAKE MY REVENGE ON ALL WHO HAVE WRONG ME!!!!!!!" That crazy human said before laughing. I have no idea what was going on...but it could mean one thing...yeah..I got no idea..all I know is that that human is getting kick in the face.

(Bum, bum, bum! Sorry for the long wait. Took me some time to actually come up with a beginning. I'll make sure to draw the villain when I can

Anyways hope you enjoy and stay safe)

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