Chapter 8:A Friendly Reminder

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(Picture above is by me. Hop Pop based is from Anne or Beast. Bramble belong to FlameBabyRuby . Background and Bramble's drawing is by me. Meadow, Marigold, and Daisy belong to Hoodies18 )

Meanwhile, back in the Mill House. The Plantars tried to find Sasha after a day of her disappearing..all they could find was her pink sword..ever since then, they try their best to  stay hidden yet trying to look for Sasha too. "Ok kids, I'm going to get some foods for lunch, DON'T leave the house..SPRIG!" Hop Pop yells, after Sprig was trying to go outside. "Awww, come on, Hop Pop! If we just stay here, how are we gonna find Sasha?" Sprig asks, which Hop Pop sigh, "I know you're worrying about Sasha, and believe me, I do too, but with her gone, we can't risk being capture..just stay here til I get back" Hop Pop said, before grabbing a basket and begin to leave the Mill House.

'Another human disappearing.....let's just hope those three humans are ok...' Hop Pop thought, while starting to pick some berries and fruits. "You must be the old frog...Hopediah" Bramble said, walking behind him and chuckling softly. " do you know my name? Who are you? Because I'm sure we never met in person before" Hop Pop said which Bramble rolls their eyes. "Name's Captain Bramble, Royal Captain for Nightmare..and they told me a lot about you, should know..they were your BEST friend" They said with a small snicker. "C-Claire? no no..she died years ago...LONG time ago..Lily said that sh-well..they fell!" Hop Pop said, glaring at them.

"And how do you think they fell in? Nightmare or..Claire...was pushed by Lily..they were planning to stay here with you, but Lily hated that plan. She let them fell in...she's the one that cause Nightmare to be this way..they just wanted revenge" Bramble said, walking around Hop Pop who just clench his fist, "If that is true....then I have to stop them! Putting others in danger is gonna make things worse!" He said. Bramble darkly chuckle, before grabbing the old frog, "What a shame, Nightmare really thought you were gonna join us..but, oh well, three baits will be good for capture that human" They said which Hop Pop gulps.

Back in the Mill House, Sprig and Polly were silently waiting. Sprig groans and gets up, "Polly! We have to do something! We can't stay here and do nothing! I know Hop Pop is trying to protect us, but we are fighters!" He said, trying to carry Sasha's sword, but fails. "Haha yes! Finally! Time to strike back! Come on!" Polly yells...before Bramble bursts in and tied the Plantars up. "Ah frog...we were so close!" Sprig said, sighing, which Bramble laughs. "You're all just easy to's get going..we're going to the Shadow Tower..maybe your smart friend knows where that blonde is" They said, before carrying the frogs.

-Meanwhile, with the Rebellion-

"Ok girls, we need do we take down Nightmare?" Meadow asks, planning with Marigold, Daisy, and Sasha. "Oh! How about we sneak attack them?!" Marigold asks in excitement. "Mari..I'm sure we're gonna need a plan once we attack them..g-good idea though" Daisy said, blushing and looking away. "Is there any ancient thing you three know?" Sasha asks, which Meadow walks to a bookshelf and grabs a book, "There's a species called Olms and within that species..there's the Mother of Olms...the oldest of them all" Meadow said. "Then that's where we're going..I suggest we go during the day..there will be less shadow soldiers" Sasha said, getting up a bit. "Then it's decided..we go in morning..I'll information the Co-Captain so we can go without leaving the resistance without a leader" Meadow said.

(THE OLMS SHALL APPEAR SOMEPOINT! Hope you enjoy and have a good day)

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