Chapter 13:The Attack In Newtopia

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(Picture above is by me. Daisy, Marigold, and Meadow belong to Hoodies18 . Bramble belong to FlameBabyRuby . Addie belong to Iliketodraw2007 . And Emma belong to Blueberry_Sundae2115 )

"Ok guys! We just heard news from the Olms that the shadow army are gonna attack Newtopia tomorrow in dawn. We heard news from the leader that Andrias agree to have us help. We already send our troops and now we got to get there" Meadow said to Daisy, Emma, Marigold, and the Plantars(Plus Frobo). "This is gonna be easy!" Marigold said, smiling, "Oh yeah, it will!!" Polly yells in excitement. "Except the fact that Nightmare have powers and our only way is destroying that purple crystal" Daisy said, which Hop Pop suddenly retract his memories, "I think I saw a purple crystal behind the curtains in the king's throne" He said.

"Then that where we destroy it..Emma, get Joe ready, we're going to Newtopia" Meadow said, getting her double-sided spear, before spinning it dramatically, which everyone looks confused, "Sorry..forces of habit..." She said, nervously chuckle.

Meanwhile, Sasha wakes up in a carriage with Grime and Marcy. "Sasha! Are you ok?" Marcy asks, looking worried. "I-I'm ok, Mar-Mar...hey Grime..where are we?" Sasha asks, sitting up and rubs her head, "Yeah..we're in a carriage that is gonna carry us to the Newtopia and when the Shadow Army wins..we're gonna be lock up again..and trust me, I tried breaking out..but that Bramble keep knocking me out" Grime said. "BUT they're not here right?" Sasha asks, which Grime stays silent.

Outside of the carriage, there were two shadow newts who were quiet. "......Hey, did we ever make that toad's chains tougher?" A shadow newt asks, "No...why?" Another shadow newt asks, before Grime kick the door open. "FREEDOM!!! MOVE MOVE MOVE!!!!!" Grime yells, before he, Marcy, and Sasha begin to run out of the carriage and run into the forest. "....Nightmare is gonna kill us" The first Shadow Newt said, "It was your fault, Brad!" The second Shadow Newt said. "Ok ok ok...we escape..but how do we get to Newtopia in time?" Sasha asks, which Marcy begin to think, "Oh! I know a shortcut! It might be a while, but it's faster, we'll be there by tonight!" She said, before leading the way which Grime and Sasha follow.

After hours and hours. It was night, which Joe begin to land in front of the Newtopia's gates. "Finally, we're here!" Polly said, which Sprig hop down. "G-Guys!!!" Sasha yells, panting while running with Marcy and Grime to catch up with them. "Sasha!!" The Plantars said, before hugging her which Sasha hugs back, "You guys are ok! Thank gosh!" She said. Marcy was petting Joe who was nuzzling her. "Um..Sasha, Ahem..wanted give you this" Grime said, showing her the silver heron sword which Sasha smiles, "Thanks, Grime, I love it" She said. Suddenly they hear a blow horn from a distance which they turns around to see the shadow army coming.

"We got to go inside! Now!" Sasha said, "Oh you think?!" Daisy asks, "Not now for sarcasm!" Sasha said. Soon the newt guards let the group in and close the gate afterwards. "Meadow, have you found where the purple crystal is?" Sasha asks, looking at Meadow who nodded, "In the throne room, we can hurry if we run" She said. "Relax, I'm sure the army is taking their time" Sprig said....before the gate start getting hit by the shadow army, "Running it is!" He said. "Race ya!" Marigold said, before running, "DEAL!" Polly and Emma yells before running which Frobo follow Polly. While they were running, the shadow army break the gate which the newt sound the blow horn which Newtopia's guards and the rebellion's troops begin to battle.

"Mari! Look out!!" Daisy yells, before pulling Marigold close to her and begin to shoot an arrow from her bow at a shadow frog. "Oh..thanks, Daisy" Marigold said, blushing and smiling at Daisy which she blushes back and nodded. "Awwwww, so cute!!" Emma said, smiling, "GUYS! Focus!" Grime said, before punching a shadow frog in the face. Soon the group reach the throne room where they see Nightmare was fighting Andrias. "You're making a mistake, Claire" Andrias, growling while using his tail to smack Nightmare into the wall, "THE NAME IS NIGHTMARE!!!!!!" They yells, before blasting Andrias. "Hey! You leave him alone!" Marcy said, but Bramble and Addie shows up, "Your rebellion ends now!" Bramble yells.

Sasha looks around and sees the purple crystal, "Not for long!" She said, grabbing her sword, before running toward the crystal. Suddenly Anne runs in and begins to attack Sasha, who dodges in time. "Anne! Snap out of it!" Sasha yells, trying to get pass Anne, but she slam Sasha onto the window which shatters and the two fall out.

(Bum! Bum! Cliffhanger! The end is coming! There's gonna be two parts and probably an epilogue and boom! Hope you enjoy and have a good day)

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