Chapter 7:The Rebellions

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(Picture above is from me. Meadow, Mari, and Daisy belong to Hoodies18 )

Sasha begin to wake up slowly, before shielding her face from the light. "Captain, she's awake" a frog guard say to an adult newt who is slightly taller than Sasha, "Alright then" the newt said before walking in. The newt had past green skin with pastel yellow freckles and have pastel yellow freckles on her cheeks, back of head, arms, and tail. She also have medium black hair that slightly glows below her shoulder and have iron armor on. The captain shyly waves hi which Sasha just awkwardly waves back. "Oh! Hey friend! This is Meadow! Our Captain! She's very good with planning!" Marigold said, popping out of nowhere, which Sasha yelps and fall to the ground.

"S-Sorry!....Ahem.....Yeah..I'm Meadow and this is Marigold..or Mari for short..and over there is Daisy" Meadow shyly said, which Daisy was just leaning against the wall and just waves. "W-Where am I?.....what happen?...." Sasha asks, rubbing her head and groans in pain. "Long story short, me and Daisy found you next to a river! Good new that your eye isn't damage, but you DO have an amazing scar!" Marigold said with excitement. "'s ok to me" Daisy said, rolling her eyes. "Ok..but where am I?...And are the Plantars here?!" Sasha asks and begin to get more worry sick. "Calm're in our secret hideout for our rebellion...or The Resistance...but no..we haven't seen these Plantars" Meadow said.

Sasha sigh before sitting down, before covering her face with her hands. "Awww, don't be upset, we'll find them for you! I'm sure they're ok!" Mari said, smiling before hugging Daisy who blushes and just pats her head. "Anyways, you got a name?" Meadow asks, before Sasha nodded and take a few deep breaths, "Sasha..Sasha which one of you is the leader here?" She asks. "Oh, the leader and co-leader are taking a trip to Newtopia to warn King Andrais about the new threat and hopefully team up with him...and..they put me in charge...." Meadow shyly said. "If you want, I could help you with your rebel...that Nightmare took my friends...count me in" Sasha said, smiling. "We got a new friend! Welcome aboard!" Mari said in excitement before hugging the three which Daisy blushes even more.

After getting a tour from Mari and Daisy. Sasha walks to her new room..which was basically dirt walls, a mirror, and a bed. She looks at the mirror to see her new scar..she got enough scars to know it's not much important, but the scars on her on her on her eye...those are important..reminds her of the betrays she made...the price she cost...she still remember those words. 'I know it's hurts..but remember, every dreams has its' price and not everyone is willing to take it' Grime's words were heard in her head. Sasha soon zone out and begin to tears up unknowingly, but she soon snaps out of it after a few seconds. She wipe her tears before taking a few deep breaths. "It's gonna be ok...I'm gonna fix more more tricks....just me...fixing the prices" she mumbles to herself, before laying down on the bed and just staring at the ceiling....rethinking her choices.

(Done with Chapter 7, hope you enjoy and stay safe)

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