Chapter 14:The Last Stand(Part 1)

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(Picture is by me. Sasha's position is from the third temple. As always, Daisy, Marigold, and Meadow belong to Hoodies18 . Bramble belong to FlameBabyRuby . Addie belong to Iliketodraw2007 . And Emma belong to Blueberry_Sundae2115 .

Trigger Warning:Character's Death(>:3), Angst, and Sadness.)


When the window shattered, both Anne and Sasha fall onto a building's roof and bang her head into it, "That's gonna leave a mark" She mumbles. Anne begin to gets up, before jumping and attacking Sasha with her sword. Sasha grabs her sword, before dodging Anne's attacks and kicks her down. The two begins to get up, before beginning to charge at each other. Sasha was blocking and dodging Anne's attacks, but she made sure to keep track of when Anne is gonna strike. "Anne! I know you're there somewhere! Just snap out of it!!" She yells.

Anne growls, before kicking Sasha to the roof's ground and aim her sword at her neck. "A-Anne...look...I-I know what I did...was bad...kill me all you want...but please know..I-I love you..I-I love both you and Marcy..I know I wasn't the best friend or..the greatest..but please...I'm sorry" Sasha said, before closing her eyes. Anne raised her sword up..before putting the sword down and hugs Sasha, which she was surprise and begin to open her eyes to see Anne's eyes back to normal. "A-Anne...I-I..." Sasha stops, before tearing up and hugging Anne close, "Hey's gonna be proved yourself to be forgiven...." Anne said.

Meanwhile, back inside of the castle. Daisy and Marigold(being the gay frogs they are) were fighting shadow guards together. "Hey Daisy! One behind you!" Marigold said, before using her double-wields dagger to tackled a shadow down. "On it!" Daisy said, before using her bow to smack a shadow in the face, which the shadow fall to the ground. Addie begin to attacks Emma with her two swords. Luckily, Emma also have two swords so it wouldn't be hard so much. "You are going down!" Addie yells, running and kicking one of Emma's sword down, "Take my pocket knife!!!" Emma yells, before grabbing her pocket knife and begin to attack Addie with it. "Take this!!" Polly yells, before Frobo punch Addie, which she fall to the ground, before getting back up and fight the three.

Grime and Sprig were fighting Bramble, which they try to stabs them with a dagger, but Grime used the hammer to dodges it. "Ha! And you called yourself a cap-AHHHH!!!" Sprig screams, after Bramble yeet him to Grime. "Nevermind..." Sprig said while Grime groans. Meadow, Hop Pop, Marcy, and Andrias were dealing with Nightmare. They were about to blast Andrias, but Meadow spins her spear around before slashing their cheek. Marcy uses an arrow from her crossbow at them. Hop Pop was...just throwing rocks at them. "ENOUGH!!!!" Nightmare yells, making a purple waves blast all of the enemies to the ground.

Suddenly Anne runs from behind and begin to slash Nightmare's back which they hiss in pain and begin to blast Anne, but Sasha uses her sword to block the blast. "Anne! You're normal!" Marcy said, smiling. "Yep! And this ends now! Your reign of...shadows will be over!" Anne said, which Sasha faceplam, "Just say your reign of nightmare, it's make sense" She said. "Oh! Because their name is Nightmare so the reign of NIGHTMARE is over, good call" Anne said, which Nightmare just...blast them down. Sasha fall to the ground, before trying to get up, but couldn't. "You know, Waybright, I actually thought you and me could be a mentor and a student..but guess I was wrong...tsk..whatever..I'm not close to any strengths" Nightmare said, aiming at Sasha which she closes her eyes.

Suddenly there was a blast sound filling the room. Sasha opens her eyes a bit.....before seeing Grime in front of her, holding her close, and having a big blast mark on his back. "G-G-Grimesy?...." Sasha asks, tearing up and looking at him in shock. "Hey did an amazing job...I-I'm proud of you" Grime said, weakly smile, before closing his eyes which Sasha tears up and hold Grime close, "G-Grime! G-Grimesy! C-Come on! You can't die! Come on! P-PLEASE! Open your eyes!!!...OPEN your......eyes......please....." She mumbles, before starting to cry.

"That take care of that where were w-hey..when did that child have pink eyes?" Nightmare asks, looking at Sasha, who have glowing pink eyes. Her hair begin to float pink lava hair and begin to clench her fist. "What is going on?!" Hop Pop asks, looking at everyone else, "I don't know! Maybe it's a human thing!" Emma said, before Sasha gently put Grime down and begin to gets up. "This is NOT a human thing" Anne and Marcy said in shock and amazed. "You're...gonna pay.....FOR EVERYTHING!!!!!" Calamity Sasha yells, before beginning to charge.

(Part 1 is done! Not sure if I'll do Part 2 tonight or tomorrow-whatever happens, I hope you enjoy and have a good day)

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