Chapter 5:A Start and An End of Broken Story

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(Picture above is from me. Lily, Belle, and Claire are from me. Lily is Strength, Belle is Wit, and Claire is Heart. Also during this time, Claire used she/her pronouns before she turn into Nightmare, so don't get confused by it)


Back in 1980's, there were three girls who were send to Amphibia by a music box called The Calamity Box. Which of them got send to a different location:Lily in Toad Tower, Belle in Newtopia, and Claire in Wartwood. Of course, it took them 4 months to find each other, going to temples, and try not to died from adventures and now it was two days before they have to go back to Earth. Claire was in her room, writing in her journal, before a young adult male frog name Hopediah Plantar. "You know..I'm really gonna miss you, Claire, got to was fun having you here" he said awkwardly which Claire softly chuckle and pats his head. "I'm gonna miss you too, HP, but hey, maybe I can visit one day" Claire said, hugging him which Hopediah hugs back.

"Hey, you two done being like father and daughter thing? I got to show Claire something, I would show Belle, but she's busy with..sleeping again" Lily said, who was leaning against the wall. Belle would usually sleep during the day, since she's usually have too much adventure which drain her energy. "Coming! I'll be back, Hopediah" Claire said, smiling before walking off with Lily. Claire had been thinking of staying in Amphibia..but she know Lily and Belle probably would be upset about that. "So what you wanna show me?" Claire asks, looking at Lily. "Ok so, long story short, I found THIS!" Lily said, before pointing down off the cliff which reveled a pond of purple water. "Woah! Purple water?! Never seen that before" Claire said in surprise, which Lily chuckle, "I know right?" She asks.

Claire soon looks at Lily, before sighing. "...I-I'm staying" she said, which Lily looks at Claire all confused, " you mean?" Lily asks, which Claire took a deep breath again. "I-I've been thinking...I want to stay...I have so much fun here! Adventures, hanging out with Hopediah, and many more! I-I mean, this won't be a permanent goodbye, I can still visit you and Belle." Claire said, looking nervously at Lily, who glare and clench her fist. "Are you serious?! We are SO close of getting home and you just wanna stay here all of a sudden?! UGH!!!! You selfish brat!!!" Lily yells, before pushing Claire, but she pushes her too hard, which Claire fall off of the cliff, but her right hand was able to hold onto the edge of the cliff.

"L-Lily! Help! Lily please help! Help me! I-I can't hold on forever!!" Claire begs, while trying to get up, but it was too slippy. Lily look down at Claire, before growling and begin to step on her hand, which Claire hiss in pain. "I'm sorry, Claire.....but if you wanna stay here..then..stay here..but at your own risk" She said in a bitter tone, which Claire's eyes went wide, before Lily shove her hand off of the cliff..letting her fall. She turns around before walking back with a smirk on her face. "LILY!!! LILLLLLYYYYY!!!!!!" Claire screams before falling into the purple water.

 "LILY!!! LILLLLLYYYYY!!!!!!" Claire screams before falling into the purple water

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(DEFINITELY not a foreshadowing-)

After days..that felt like months. Claire wakes up next to the pond..but she look different. She take a look of the pond to see her reflection, which she..have some dark purple hair, more spiky looking-hair, having some dark spots, and having her eyes change into different shades of purple. "N-No..No...NO NO NO!!!!' NO NO NO!!!!!! T-That selfish...LILLLLLLLLYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!" Claire yells with tears in her eyes before screaming in rage, beginning to rampage, and having a meltdown. "She...she's a monster! That brat! Ugh! She've probably already got back home with Belle!....THAT BRAT! UGH! I swear!....when I get my hand on the music box!...I WILL MAKE EVERYONE PAY!!!!!!" Claire yells, before starting to laugh insanely and loosing her mind, "fine then...if I'm such a nightmare..then that's who I am..Nightmare..." Claire/Nightmare said, before laughing insanely very loudly.


Back in the present, Nightmare soon finish their story to Bramble. "And after since then...I've been wanting revenge...if anyone is gonna fear me..or get in my way...then they better faces death..." They said, looking out of the window with Bramble being silent. " I got nothing to say" Bramble said, rubbing the back of their neck with an awkwardly smile. "Tsk..I would be speechless too..but without wasting time, get Anne, and sent her to find this Sasha Waybright and have her eliminate that matter what cost" Nightmare said in a serious tone. "Of course, your highness" Bramble said, nodding before walking out of the room which Nightmare smirks and chuckle. "Soon, will be no more.....and soon you will feel what's it likes to be betrayed by your friends..." They said with tears falling down on their cheek...even if they had move on....a betrayal isn't a thing to let go after trusting.

(Hope you like ready for more angst in the next chapter >:3)

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