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Darsh dropped Ritika at her house in his car.

She said, " Thanks. "

Darsh sighed, " I am sorry for the loss you suffered. "

She nodded her head. She was about to leave the car.

He said, " I have dropped a resignation letter on my mail. Requesting the department for an immediate relieving. "

She said, " I'll send the request mail to the management. "

An ambulance boarded the body of Mr. Oberoi under the supervision of Inspector Ghosh.

At evening Inspector Ghosh sat in front of his three seniors to justify his actions.

He said, " The mother and daughter were held hostage by him. He had a gun in his hand. He could have harmed them. When I went to negotiate with him he tried to attack me upon which I shot him twice for the self defense. Even after being shot he tried to run away and met with an accident. "

The senior official closed the case fails and dismissed him as they were agreed by the justification. He walked out of the department and went downstairs to his car.

Darsh had a soft drink with Mr. Arora at shooting range while sitting outside his gun shop on a bench.

Mr. Arora asked, " Where is the office? "

" It's a few mile away from the city. I have rented a room in the complex. Haven't started the work yet. "

" You might need some assistance for your operations. "

" Around two or three. Reconciliation work will be handed over to them. "

" Well, I'll talk a few people about your new work. May be some of them would be interested. "

He chuckled.



Swati Bansal was laying on the hospital bed as she had just given the birth to a baby girl. She was made to sit on the bed by the nurse and the other staff placed the baby in her lap.

She kissed his forehead. As she turned her head up she was stunned to see her husband Akash out of the room. He kept looking at her and then left the lobby.

Back here,

Ritika and her fiance visited the CHILDREN FOUNDATION orphanage for the adoption. While roaming around at the park, she spotted a ten year old girl on swings. She went to her.

She asked, " What's your name? "

She didn't answer.

Ritika asked her again, " Don't you want to play with your friends? "

" I have got no friends. "

Ritika took out the badge from her phone and gave it to her. The girl tried to read the label.

Ritika said, " CHICA VALIENTE. It means a brave girl. "

The girl smiled after looking at the badge.

Ritika and her fiance walked out of the orphanage with the girl after her adoption.

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