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A medical practitioner Dr. Harit was on his way to his home during the late night. He got his eyes on a car which had met with an accident by the collision with tree on the highway roadside. He stopped his car by the road and walked outside.

He went near to the car which was releasing smoke from the engine. He looked at a man who was lying by the car with a gun shot on his waist. He lifted the man on his shoulders and made him to sleep on the back seat of his car. The wallet of the man fell on the mat. He picked up the wallet and driving licence which had his name ' AKASH BANSAL '.


During lunch break, Darsh had some bread butter and a cup of tea at the company owned cafeteria. HR Ritika sat before him with a small plate of fried rice and a cup of coffee.

" How everything is going on? " She asked him.

" It's going good till now. This corporate cafeteria is a boon for the employees here. "

She chuckled, " Yes. We also organise road trips once a year. "

" Really? It's a good way to keep their morals high. "

" This is how we have been able to retain our employees. "

" That's why your company has got a lot of five star ratings online from the older employees. "

" It's just a part of sustaining our dignity in the market. "

After a pause of few seconds,

She asked, " Shall I ask you something? "

" Yeah sure. "

" Prior to here, you had worked in a small finance bank. "

" I was a sales executive there. "

" Why didn't you mention your experience in CV? "

" What did they say? "

" I talked to their HR Manager. They told me that you had absconded without any resignation and notice period. "

" That's why I didn't mention about. I had worked there for less than four months. I changed my profile then. "

" Hmm.. "

Ritika continued to eat fried rice. Ritika's phone was kept on the table upside down. Darsh spotted a white coloured badge she had placed at the back of the phone.

He said, " CHICA VALIENTE. "

She asked, " What? "

" CHICA VALIENTE. It is written on your badge. A spanish word that means a brave girl. "

She looked at the badge.

She chuckled, " I was ten when I was given the badge. "

" Parents, or school. "

" I had no parents. My elder brother had given it to me. "

He nodded his head.

It was around five at evening. It was the closing time for office. Darsh walked out of the building and looked at his wrist watch. General Manager Dheeraj Joshi came to him with a smile.

" How was the day gentleman? "

" Fine. Learnt a lot of things. Especially the new accounting software. It was really hard to learn but somehow I managed to work on it. "

" Sounds good. Shall I drop you home? "

" No thanks. My car is at the service center which three blocks away from the office. "

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