27th September: Edinburgh
Andrea woke up around three am in her hotel bed feeling like rubbish, she had a really bad headache and she felt like she was going to throw up any minute. She didn't even drink last night so she knew it wasn't a hangover. All she could do was hope she was alright for later.
"Andrea?" Nia was trying to shake her awake, in response she groaned and turned over trying to block out her friend's voice, "are you ok?" a cold hand pressed against her forehead, "christ, you're sweating!" Nia quickly moved the duvet off her, making her shiver.
"I'm alright," she mumbled, "just need to sleep longer." From the corner of her eye, she could see Nia stressing and frantically texting on her phone.
"Right, ok," she put and thin sheet over Andrea's body, "I'll be back in a second alright? You can sleep whilst I'm gone, ok?"
Andrea didn't bother responding, as soon as that door closed her head hit the pillow. Unfortunately for her, she couldn't sleep. Her hair was a mess and was uncomfortably sticking to her face. She sighed and turned over to her nightstand to check her phone, she had a few social media notifications and two messages one from Nia from a minute ago saying she was on her way back and one from Calum from around five minutes ago asking if she was ok.
Before she could respond to either of the messages, the door flung open revealing Nia and six worried faces behind her. Andrea rolled her eyes, she didn't need anyone to follow Nia back up to their room. It was nice to know that they cared enough to ditch breakfast to come and see her.
"Are you ok?" Arthur asked.
Before she could respond Everly beat her to it, "does she look ok? She looks like a ghost, a ghost Arthur!"
Andrea sat up against the headboard and tried to reach for her glass of water which was on her nightstand. Calum saw her struggle so he got it for her himself. She smiled at him as a thank you before taking a sip of her drink.
"You can cancel your performance tonight," Luke suggested, he stood in front of the bed and he looked a lot taller than usual, but it was probably because Andrea was lying down.
"No," she stated, "people are going to be standing around for two hours if they've been there since soundcheck."
"The others can go on stage without you," Michael added, "when I lost my passport these guys had to."
"Luke could play guitar," she answered, "Arthur nor Nia can play bass, Everly can but she's playing drums."
"The best thing you can do is sleep most of the day and have painkillers every four hours," Ashton shrugged, "it's only for half an hour."
"You seriously think she can do it?" Calum looked to Ashton and then to Andrea, "can you do it?"
Nia shook her head, "no she can't, but she will lie and say she's better by tonight anyway." Nia was right, if they didn't let her perform she would convince everyone that she was fine later on.
"I'll be fine," Andrea reassured, "as Ashton said if I sleep, take painkillers and drink a ton of energy drinks I'll be fine by tonight."
After the guys and Everly left leaving Nia and Andrea alone, the bassist decided to take a shower to try and freshen up. Luke had called the venue explaining that they were going to be late and he asked for an update on how many people were outside. Andrea ended up putting on comfortable clothes as she knew she would be sleeping all day.
Once Andrea was ready, she and Nia went downstairs to meet with everyone else. Michael handed Andrea a bag that was full of different types of energy drinks, painkillers, and fruit. She quietly thanked him on the way to the tour bus.

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Fanfictionmellifluous /mɛˈlɪflʊəs/ adjective (of a sound) pleasingly smooth and musical to hear. - You are my getaway, you're my favourite place