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29th September: Leeds

After the days break, Andrea was feeling much better, she still wasn't a hundred percent, but she was better than she was.

As they ended up staying two nights in Leeds, instead of staying in a hotel they stayed in an apartment. Two apartments were booked and each held four people, but splitting people up was the hardest part. Calum and Ashton were pretty adamant on sharing together, but they thought it would be boring to share the rest of their apartment with the rest of their band mates.

Everly didn't want to share with Arthur again so she chose the share with Andrea. Of course Andrea didn't mind it was just different sharing with Everly than Nia.

They then had to decide who from each band would go with who. Ashton was upfront and said he wanted Andrea and Nia as it made sense, apparently, that the drummer and bassist from each band shared an apartment together as it would give them more to talk about. In all honesty, Andrea didn't care who she shared with, but she was happy it was Calum and Ashton.

The apartment was beautiful, it had two bedrooms and both of them had an en-suite. There was an open plan living room which was next to a kitchen.

When they arrived there from Edinburgh at half-past two in the morning, Andrea couldn't take in all of its features but now that she was leaving at half-past one in the afternoon today she finally appreciated all its small details.

Since sharing that apartment, Andrea felt different, she felt the same when she first stepped on stage with the band for the first time back when she was sixteen performing for most of her school. She genuinely isn't sure what the feeling is, but she knows it's a good feeling, not a negative one.

Andrea was getting happier as the days went on because she knew she would soon get to see her family. They were going to the Birmingham and Cardiff shows as they were two of the closest to home.

On the tour bus, Andrea, Calum, and Ashton were in the backroom again. This was their room now, they even had their own seats. Ashton always sat on the armchair, Calum sat on the left corner of the sofa and Andrea sat on the right. Michael even joked about having a sign on the door, let's just say Ashton thought he wasn't joking.

"So who's coming to Birmingham and Cardiff?" Ashton asked, he was messing with the Bluetooth speaker as it wasn't connecting to his phone.

"Well my mum, my nan, and grandad will be coming to Birmingham, and Cardiff and my aunt and two cousins will be coming to the Cardiff show," Andrea replied, she quickly snatched the bag of popcorn out of Calum's hands, "success."

"If you think stealing a bag of popcorn out of my hands is a success then you've got another thing coming your way," Calum grumbled, he tried to snatch it back, but Andrea just passed it to Ashton, "I hate you all."

"Rude, but ok," Ashton threw a piece of popcorn at the side of Calum's face, he picked it up and ate it smiling happily. Ashton threw another piece at him, but this time he caught it in his mouth which made both of them cheer.

Calum and Ashton continued their little game until Michael disrupted them, "five minutes guys you probably should get everything together," he went to turn away, but then turned back, "there's quite a lot of people at the area."

"They surely know not to crowd around us," Ashton looked at Michael and then back to Calum, "I mean I hope they have the common sense to realise we've just had a long journey and we want to get rested up for tonight."

"We can only hope," Michael replied, "Luke said security is waiting if needs be, but if it's not too crowded it'll be nice to meet fans."

Calum nodded, "it's not just us we're thinking about, we have luggage and instruments."

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