1. Alone

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The venue has cleared out for the night, leaving nothing but empty seats and memories of good music behind. The lights are now turned down giving off a dim illumination of color from dimmed out strobelights. The stage is nearly empty.

Nearly... all except for a blonde spiked haired male who is sitting on a piano bench tapping away still on the ebony and ivory keys in solitude.

There's a glass of whisky resting on top the beautiful sleek black grand piano along with a burning cigarette almost burnt down to the filter.

Music floods the empty space wafting through the air like a dark summer breeze.

The male at the piano looks consumed by the sound coming from the keys.

The song doesn't appear to fit the player tho, it's solum, sad, the sound hitting your soul and making it weep. The keys actually sound like their crying.

Tired crimson eyes don't seem to realize it's 3 am, he plays on like he hadn't just performed a concert only hours before with other members of a band that is slowly on the rise to some sort of fame.

Katsuki Bakugo indeed does not seem to fit the song coming from his fingertips currently.

He's still dressed in black ripped jeans, a black tank top, red and black leather jacket over his form. Black boots with red laces fitted to his feet.

His hair is spiked, black studs and hoops in his ears. His eyebrow holds a black bar piercing with a red jewel on top. There's black and silver rings on most of his fingers, tattoos hidden by black leather.

Yes Katsuki Bakugo does not fit the mold of the classical weepy song now being played, he looks more like a rock god instead, especially considering hours ago he was slamming away on the drums to an upbeat song no doubt still ringing in concert goers ears.

But now that he's alone and things are fairly quiet, his heartbreak is free to come stumbling in the form of music through long powerful fingers .

It's been a year now, a year since the firey blonde musician had his heart practically ripped from his chest and shown to him by his now ex, at least that's exactly what it had felt like and to be honest, he still feels raw from it all.

He had been in a happy relationship with a guy for two years, at least he thought it had been happy but he had been wrong and was completely blindsided when he learned that his happy relationship hadn't been as happy as he thought when he had come home early from a late night band practice and caught his boyfriend with another guy in the apartment they had shared.

He was furious, and heartbroken, shocked and devastated. The feeling of that night and the complete destruction of his heart had slammed into him like a freight train.

He tore the apartment apart, in a pain fuled rage right after he had beat the shit out of the stranger that he found in his bed.

He screamed, cried, yelled every insult and curse word he could think of at his ex before throwing him out along with every piece of clothing the guy had owned right into the God damn street.

The next few weeks had been spent with his ex trying desperately to get Katsuki back, saying it was a fling with other male and ment nothing. But when the broken hearted blonde had refused to take him back or even listen to what he had to say the other male became angry and vindictive, saying things to be sure would hurt Katsuki to his core. Telling him it was his fault he had cheated since the blonde was busy with music, telling him he had been a lousy boyfriend in almost every way he could have been.

The words caused an already broken heart to shatter as guilt and self loathe began to swim through his head thinking that maybe it was true.

His friends all tried to tell him it was all lies, none of them having ever really liked Katsuki's choice of a partner. His best friend, Kirishima had often told Katsuki that he didn't trust his boyfriend, that something felt off and most of them felt the male was just using Katsuki from the start, but love was blind and the blonde never saw it coming.

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