5. It's a Start

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Izuku sits in the lobby of his apartment building by the large window.

He has his feet pulled up in the oversized chair, sitting with his legs criss crossed.

His jeans are worn and faded, his favorite ones, with the oversized white crew sweatshirt he has on the sleeves are slipped over his palms with only his fingers showing.

His wire framed glasses rest perfectly on the bridge of his freckled nose.

His face is buried in a book as he gets lost in the pages of a story about two boyfriend's who have to go through hell to be together but in the end it was all worth the sacrifices.

He's almost teary eyed as he flips through the last few pages of the story, happy for the characters in the book he fell in love with himself.

As he reads he begins to wonder himself if he'll ever find something like that, a love that fights whatever obstacles come no matter how hard it gets, the couple winning in the end.

He thought he found that in Shoto, but he now knows that was nothing put a pretty illusion that he believed every word of until he saw the truth with his own eyes.

The greenett is so caught up in the book and his own thoughts that he doesn't even notice the elevator doors opened and a blonde musician has stepped into the lobby with a black guitar case over his shoulder.

Hands in Katsuki's black jean pockets, he moves across the room but his steps seemly slow on their own the minute he lifted his eyes and saw a green eyed waiter lost in a book.

He takes in the male who hasn't noticed he's there yet considering the blonde was still a decent distance away.

Katsuki has two options here, walk right on passed not saying a word and head to practice without another thought or stop and say something to this guy who for whatever reason captures his attention so damn easily even when he doesn't want it to happen.

" So you're a nerd and a Deku?"

' The fuck you idiot, you were supposed to keep walking'

Emerald eyes snap up to see the blonde standing in front of his chair with a slight smirk.

Izuku laughs softly with his cheeks tinted with blush.

" So? Perfect combo if you ask me. I think you're just jealous Kacchan, I mean yeah sure you can sing and play like four different instruments and write songs and stuff but can you recite by heart every Harry Potter line, or single handedly almost have a complete nervous break down at work when you almost dump a tray of drinks? That my friend, takes a whole nother level of talent" , he grins up at the blonde making a smile appear on sharp features and a laugh that echos off the large lobby walls.

" I bet you choke on air too, trip over fucking nothing?", the blonde playfully smirks making the greenett laugh showing a pretty smile.

" It just so happens that I do! Just more of my hidden talents which just adds to my charm so I can totally understand why you'd be jealous of me Kacchan, it's ok , I understand. I won't even tell your friends about it, it'll be our secret", Izuku smirks back with his own playfulness.

Katsuki can't help but smile, a smile that actually shows his teeth and makes his cheeks ache because it's been so damn long since he's done it.

He shakes his head with his eyes downcast for a minute before he lifts them, meeting a smiling emerald gaze.

" Fucking nerd" , he chuckles making Izuku laugh again.

But the truth was Izuku was charming, extremely so and that was so god damn dangerous.

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