24. Unwanted

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Katsuki begins to shift awake in his bed.

A sleep groggy mind starting to come back to life.

He sighs, eyes still closed not wanting to open them just yet.

There's a feeling of warmth and comfort settled within him a feeling he hasn't felt in a very long time.

It makes him not want to move at all, but then he feels a shift of something next to him and now reality begins to seep in taking over where sleep once was.

Crimson eyes open finally as he turns his head slowly to see his new boyfriend curled up soundly asleep next to him.

He feels a sensation of butterflies before he's even fully awake, it's been a long time since he woke up to someone in his bed, someone he wanted there.

There's a slight smile on his face while he turns onto his side so he can look at the sleeping greenett.

Izuku is on his stomach, arms under his pillow, a calming steady breathing while sleeps.

He smiles heiress getting up slowly to use the bathroom and brush his teeth before sliding back inti bed for awhile.

Katsuki let's his eyes really take him in seeing that his complexion is perfectly smooth and clear, with only those small freckles doting his cheeks, the ones that for some reason Katsuki is insanely attractive to.

His eyelashes are long, thick, dark and when those pretty eyes are open those dark lashes frame them making them stand out even more.

Katsuki now has an intense craving to see those eyes looking at him.

He reaches over slowly moving a soft green curl that's laying over his boyfriend's eye, letting his fingers softly trace the side of a soft, fair cheek.

His eyes linger on a what he thinks is a perfect face that caught his attention the first night he saw it.

Izuku stirs at the touch, face scrunching slightly.

The blonde smiles as he watches the small action that pulls at a heartstring he assumed had all snapped and broke for good when his ex betrayed him.

Those pretty emerald eyes begin to slowly flutter open when they do a handsome blonde is the first thing a sleepy mind sees.

He smiles immediately remembering now that he had stayed the night curled up Katsuki.

The blonde grins.

" Morning Deku, sorry if I woke you but I'm gonna have to leave soon and I didn't want you to wake up to me gone."

The greenett nods into his pillow with a gentle smile then shifts to get up.

" Hold that thought, I'll be right back"

After Izuku used the bathroom and brushed his teeth with a spare toothbrush he shuffled back into the bedroom quickly climbing under the covers with a slight shiver making Katsuki chuckle.

" You cold nerd?"

The greenett smirks at him laying on his side looking at the handsome musician.

" Maybe. Can I use that excuse to have you wrap me up in you and keep me warm?"

Katsuki feels his heart skip with a flutter that he's pretty sure isn't going to be fucking healthy if it keeps happening.

He smirks moving closer reaching out a large hand and running up the greenett's arm..

" What if I tell you that ...."

He pauses just briefly before he quickly moves his hand to the greenett's back and pulls him slightly roughly to his chest, wrapping that strong built arm around Izuku tightly then putting his leg over his thigh successfully wrapping his boyfriend up in him.

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