39. Surprised

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It's almost four thirty by the time Katsuki is standing by Izuku apartment door with the greenett's bag over his shoulder waiting patiently for his boyfriend to be ready to head to the airport.

He leans a strong shoulder on the door with a slight amused smile on his face as he listens to Izuku rushing around and mumbling to himself in between shouts out to the waiting blonde.

Inside his bedroom that rambling greenett is full of happy anxious butterflies of excitement at the thought of going away with Katsuki, since it would be the first time since they've been dating.
He's flipping through his hangers and digging through his drawers trying to find something to wear for the plane ride, a plane ride he's actually extremely nervous to take.

" Umm..I'll.. I'll be right out Kacchan! I'm just trying to figure out what to wear! To.. you know ...possibly die in.", he mumbles the last part but Katsuki hears it.

The blonde raises a brow with a chuckle as he moves to the greenett's door leaning on the frame while he watches his anxious looking boyfriend shifting through hangers at a rapid pace in his pajama pants.

The blonde musician smiles.

" Deku? Are you nervous?"

Green eyes snap to the door and a smirking blonde.

" Pfft.. who me?! Nervous?! Whaaaaat? Nonsense. I'm...I'm not..nervous about anything, like ..hardly ever. I'm a lot of things Kacchan but nervous is definitely not one of them."

A questioning blonde brow is rose.

" Deku..."

And a green-eyed waiter comes undone.

" Yes Kacchan! Ok yes! Terrified! I'm.. I'm terrified to fly! I mean think about it, those planes are big and.. and all up in the air and stuff like... thousands of miles up in the air above the fricking clouds Kacchan, the clouds! Do you know how high up you have to be to be above the clouds?! Thats.. that's just crazy! And I mean once you're up that high and something goes wrong your screwed! Screwed! Like royaly screwed!", he rambles pacing the room.

Katsuki steps inside the room.

" Oi, hey.. calm down baby. I fly a lot, it's part of the whole rock star thing and nothing has ever happened to me right? Hell baby driving in a car is more dangerous than a plane."

Izuku stops walking to look at his boyfriend with wide eyes.

" But.. but people survive car crashes Kacchan! You get in a plane crash there's a good chance that's it because above the clouds rock star, they are above the fricking clouds!"

Katsuki can't help but chuckle at the nervous outburst which only increases when he sees a pout form.

" This is totally not funny, I think I'm having an actual panic attack here."

The blonde smirks reaching out and pulling the rattled greenett to him.

"You have to calm down and listen to me ok? First of all this is only a two hour flight, we will be back on the ground before you know it, plus while we're up there I can think of a couple ways to keep you completely distracted that might make you wish that plane ride was actually much longer. I will be right next to you the whole time. Two that plane is the quickest way to get you to where I'm going to be, now you wouldn't want to waste any of our time together because you were too scared to fly with me and had to take a much longer car ride would you? "

Izuku scrunches his face.

" Wow, you sooo don't play fair when you go off and say all this stuff you know that?"

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