18. Closer

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It's been a couple days since Katsuki's concert he and Izuku had met for breakfast at the blondes place and Izuku's for dinner once since, the two were definitely getting closer, which was good, almost too good the blonde thinks as he takes a hit from his cigarette standing outside after a practice.

Things with Deku seemed so easy to him, so god damn easy that it was actually scaring him.

Katsuki was not use to easy when it came to relationships, Sora had not been an easy partner to deal with and Izuku was so easily pleased it almost felt unreal to him, like no way could a guy that looked and had the heart of the greenett could be real.

He wonders sometimes if a flip is going to switch that makes Izuku change completely.

Old ghost of a past rough relationship die hard and shadows of fear still haunt the blonde sometimes.

But he's going to do his best to push past his fears and let this new relationship grow which it seems to be even with his fears.

There's a voice beside him suddenly.

" Hey man, we're all going to that new club in town and we wanted to see if you wanted to come bro, with Mido of course" , Denki says with a big grin.

Kirishima steps out from the building carrying some band equipment.

He gives the blonde a smile.

" Yeah man, it'll be cool, supposed to be an awesome club"

Katsuki stares at the two while he takes another deep drag from the lit cigarette in large fingers.

Honestly he's never been much for clubs which is odd considering his profession but at the end of the night when his own music dies last thing he wants to do is be in a loud crowded club.

But being with Izuku was a plus and he hasn't taken him out on a real date since the movies.

He was already leaning in that direction when the voice of Mina was heard.

" Oh you definitely wanna take Izuzu, he's super fun at a club"

Katsuki shifts his gaze to the pink girl raising a brow at her statement.

She laughs knowing the blonde well.

" Relax pitbull, we went as friends duh, but he's super fun. Todo never liked to go with him so I always did. Tho I suppose looking back at it now it's because that was the perfect chance to see Momo behind his back", she frowns thinking of her sweet friend who had no idea at the time.

This makes a blonde musician angry.

Well two things do really, the very thought of his now boyfriend with some other guy that isn't him and the second the fact that the bastard he use to be with snuck around on him.

" Tch. Well he has me now so fuck that. And I'm not sure if he'll be up for it because I know he's working, but I'll stop by and see, maybe we'll see you losers there later", the blonde says putting out his cigarette and heading to his car.

A short time later Katsuki is walking through the door of Jade, crimson eyes glancing around the room looking for a certain greenett that he won't deny he's been missing the sight of today.

A slight smile falls across his features when he spots his target wiping down a table near the back.

He's getting ready to head in that direction when a blonde girl suddenly steps in front of him.

" Oh my God, Dynamite!? I'm like your biggest fan!"

He raises a brow at the suddenness but then trys to force a smile.

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