16. Early Mornings

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It's been a couple days since that date and a kiss that neither Katsuki or a green eyed waiter can get out of their minds, but it has also been a couple days since they have had the time to see each other again and that was something the blonde was getting ready to change right now.

It's early morning when Katsuki walks down apartment building hallways with his hands in the pockets of his white track suit pants, black tank top fitting well to perfectly formed muscles.

He stops at a familiar door giving the buzzer a buzz as he waits.

Green eyes flutter open as he rolls over in his bed lifting his head to check the time on his nightstand clock.

He squnits his eyes trying to get them to focus against sleep seeing slightly blurry numbers that read 5:02 am.

The greenett lays there a minute unsure of the sound he heard till he hears his doorbell again.

" Who in the world is up this early", he mumbles sleepily as he pulls himself from his bed ruffling green locks that are messy from sleep.

The buzzer rings again as he makes his way into the livingroom his arms crossed over his chest since it's chilly and he just woke up.

He stumbles to the door swinging it open with tired confused eyes as to who could be here so early.

As soon as he does he sees smirking crimson eyes and a body that won't quit making those emerald eyes finally open wide.

Katsuki chuckles removing a hand from his pocket to rustle messy green curls.

" Morning Nerd, I know it's early Deku I'm sorry for not getting a hold of you last night to actually set this shit up but by the time I planned it I knew you'd be asleep"

Izuku gives him a sleepy smile.

" Hi Kacchan, it's fine and plan what exactly?"

Katsuki gives a smile back.

" Come with me and I'll show you"

Izuku raises a brow then looks down at himself realizing he's in only deep green pajama pants and a white tshirt.

The blonde grins seeing what he's looking at.

" You look fine, perfer you in less I bet, but that'll do"

Izuku blushes with a sleepy laugh.

" Well I mean I could strip but I don't think the neighbors want me walking the halls that way.", the greenett teases back.

Katsuki narrows his eyes playfully.

" No fucking way, that kind of show is for my eyes only, now get some shoes on and come with me"

Izuku laughs before disappearing into his apartment to brush his teeth quick and throw on his shoes.

He re-emerges seeing the blonde leaning against the opposite wall waiting.

His arms are crossed over his chest and Izuku can't help but notice those large built biceps that the blonde carries so well.

Crimson eyes notice him noticing.

He gives a wink holding his hand out for the greenett to take.

Izuku smiles taking the large hand with a slight laugh in his voice.

" You always look this good so early in the morning?", he questions looking up at the blonde.

Katsuki meets his gaze with a half smile.

" Stick around Deku, maybe you'll find out. How 'bout you huh? You always look this good in the morning?"

Emerald eyes blink at the blonde before a smirk forms.

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